theres going to be an explosion of under 23 yr old newly weds

by sowhatnow 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sowhatnow

    in order to not be subject to such a foolish idea that guys should be a ministerial servant by the time they are 23, [which is entirely not up to them btw]

    even though JESUS wasnt even BAPTIZED till he was 30 and he was WAY more knowledgeble,

    [god i wish i could spell check on here] were going to have a whole lot of young people getting married before the guy turns 23 i suppose.

    or a lot more 'worldy' people getting jw mates.

    because using my logic, which is usually questionalble, lol, id be the girl who would hury and date someone right out of high school

    so i can be married before the suggested 'cut off date', then as an annoying wife,

    i can maybe nag my new man on how hes got to be a ministerial servant, and preside fine over his household. wow what a crazy statement this man made.

    where does that leave all the brothers who are not in a position to be one? or the newly interested ones? [ pray for them ]

    I wonder what the conversation was on the way home in the cars of so many of theses young people!


  • sir82

    JWs already get married young, due to basic horniness.

    It's pretty rare to find unmarried 23 year old JWs who were raised in it, even prior to Tight-Pants Tony's remarks.

  • sowhatnow


  • Theredeemer

    10 close guy friends and I were all married before the age of 23. 9 of us were MSs. 7 of us got divorced and 3 of us out of the ORG. Only 4 are still married. Those four have at one time or another been seperated. One got divorce then remarried the same person. True Story.

  • sowhatnow

    so gee, do the stats show that to be a ms has no bearing on a sucessful marraige? or the fact that jws are so limited in thier selection that its most likely Not going to work out very well

  • designs

    In ten years there will be an explosion of divorces. That's what happened in the late 1960s when the Wt. forced young people to marry rather than face DFing or probation. Thousands got married with only the Religion as their common factor. I would say 70% of those young people who got married before 23 divorced in their 30s and 40s. What a tragedy.

  • SAHS

    Or, what should really happen is that a lot of young JWs should get married early to a NON-JW. Then, they will sort of have one foot already in the “world,” which would make it all the easier to work toward a complete fade from JW land. That way, they couldn’t actually be disfellowshipped just for marrying “out of the truth” (well, perhaps just a “shepherding call” or two), and by the time they can get both feet in the “world” (the real one, that is), then more likely no one would notice.

  • SafeAtHome

    Boy, I can relate to this. I was married at 21 in 1972. All of my peers in the congregation and the circuit, within a few years of each other all were getting married. I would have to agree with designs that probably 70% are divorced. Many remarried JWs, I was one of the really, really, really fortunate ones who remarried a nonJW and found my freedom.

  • punkofnice

    I think relatively few will take much notice (if they even hear), tight Pants Tony's redundand comment. Business as usual in JWland.

    The UK Jws at least, will go so far but when push comes to shove a lot of them will ignore that which doesn't suit them providing it's not a DFing offence.

  • blondie

    1972 just before the end in 1975....there was a rumor going around that the marital arrangement would end in paradise.

    *** w52 8/1 p. 478 Questions From Readers ***

    ● The June 15 Watchtower on “The Marriage Ceremony”, arranges for the man getting married to repeat after the minister that he will love and cherish his wife “for as long as we both shall live or until the divine termination of the marital arrangement”. What is meant by the words “until the divine termination of the marital arrangement”?—L. K., New York.

    Some have speculated on that phrase, saying that it means until the marriage is Scripturally terminated by a divorce on the grounds of adultery. But no such unhappy conclusion of the marriage would be envisioned at the happy time of the marriage ceremony. That is not a termination initiated by God, but is a tragic one brought about by the uncleanness of the adulterous one. Others have interpreted the expression to mean when an anointed mate of one of the earthly class is finally taken to heaven to reign with Christ. The physical death of the anointed partner terminates such marriage. So that is not the thought intended. Nor should it be taken, as still others have taken it, to definitely mean that the marriage will end when the divine mandate to fill the earth will have been accomplished.

    The expression is used merely to cover a possibility, to allow for any future termination that may come about through the divine providence. When the mandate to fill the earth is fulfilled, when childbearing ceases, the marriage partners may continue their association together as life companions, or they may not, depending upon the divine will at that future, distant time. We cannot say at this time what divine providence will arrange in the distant future in the new world. So this expression merely allows for some future action on the part of God that may terminate the marital arrangement, but it does not mean that such a divine termination will actually take place. We leave that entirely with the Lord for his future action, and the expression is included to show that if such future action is ever taken then all couples will gladly comply with the divine will as it is revealed at that distant time.

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