A friend of mine is getting disfellowshipped. Someone with a kind heart, and good rep. He knows how I feel, remains my firend, and we have respectful conversation. Without revealing too much, lets just say the reason he is being disfellowshipped is for family problems. But I know these people intimately. Its something crazy to be DF'd for. Take my word for it.
He and his wife have been separated for a while. (He was an elder and stepped down on his own because he felt he wasn't presiding over his houshold in a fine manner). Yep......that type of guy. When he was telling me, he was mentioning how everyone would assume he cheated on his wife, which hurt him because he really loves her and has tried to deal with her etc....
It reminded me of something I saw as a kid.
A man in the hall was announced as disfellowshipped at the local announcements as was typical at the time.
He ran up on stage and turned around to everyone and said loudly....."It was just for one cigarrette!!!"
Then he stepped down and walked out. It wasn't my hall, I never know what happened to him. It remeinded me that part of the discipline seems to be humiliation. Assasination of character. At the time I thought it was inappropriate. Later i thought it was funny. Now I think it was courageous.
Anyone go out with a bang that you know?