There was this guy that sat at the back of our KH for about 10 years. He must of studied with so many desparate pioneers but nothing happened. He just couldn't break his smoking habit. Then. we didn't see him for three months. So, two Elders went to see him and to assess. We found out that the Mormons got him.. He was studied, and in 6 weeks got baptised with them. Man, the LDS are fast movers. But, the guy still smokes. He did give me strange vibes. I'm glad he became mormon. Those feelings may make me blood guilty
The LDS did the JW's a favor
by Quarterback 2 Replies latest social humour
but he must have given up coke, coffee and cabernet merlot?
When he told the Elders he was baptised as a Mormon, he thought that they would be proud of him, and offer him praise.