.....although in a very small amount. In fact I beleive that many religions today have a measure of God's spirit. The more I take time to really meditate and think about the bible and the world that we live in, it becomes more apparent to me that it would'nt make sense for God to destroy honest people simply because they are not associated with the WTS. If JWs can make mistakes and God forgives them (so they claim) why can't the same be true with other religions?
Thats the reasoning that I used when I spoke to my mother last night about my decision to leave the JWs. It was a very difficult and akward conversation, she had been crying before I came by the house. To make a long story short she was convinced that my mind was being blinded by Satan and nothing that I could say would convince her otherwise. So I eventually gave her a hug and told her that despite the fact that I'm no longer a witness does'nt mean I plan on pursuing wickedness. That thought led me to the conclusion that I was on the verge of making a very serious mistake. In previous posts I had expressed a desire to engage in a lot of things that I had never done before, although I knew they were wrong I had wanted to just experience certain things. I've now come to conclusion that I can live without those experinces and despite the doubts that I have about the bible I'm going to make an effort to read it on a daily basis to hopefully get a better understanding.
So all in all I feel that my decision to seperate myself from religion was a wise move. For the first time in my life I don't feel like I'm trying to please the elders or an organization. I feel that my ability to build a relationship with God will be much easier without being hindered by the ideas of imperfect men.
One last note my wife and I are getting together really well. Over the last few days we've made an incredible breakthru in our relationship, I really feel close to her again and I know she feels the same. I'm ashamed that I even entertained the idea of going elsewhere without her. So basically I guess that what I'm trying to say is that despite some of the pain I've endured leaving the WTS, at this particular time I feel happy and content.
Thanks to everyone out there for offering up kind words, advice and support.