Beware the leaven of the Pharisees... which is HYPOCRISY!
Separate yourselves and QUIT TOUCHING THE UNCLEAN THING... and I will take you in as sons and daughters...
When you catch sight of the DISGUSTING THING CAUSING DESOLATION... STANDING IN A HOLY PLACE... then let the one hearing FLEE...
Get OUT of her... if you do not wish to share in her sins! For her sins have amassed clear up to heaven!
For she says, "I sit a queen and I am NO widow..."
Sigh! Well, considering the WTBTS' very hypocritical criticism of the Catholic church and its clergy... it appears that the very thing in which they *judged*... they are BEING *judged*.
To those who are still "loyal" to the WTBTS, take a warning:
THEY didn't listen, dear ones. Perhaps, though, YOU will listen... to the One who 'speaks from the heavens'... HEAR him... and get the SENSE of it!
I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,