Watchtower Rape and changing positions

by Tallyman 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    Since the subject is so topical after tonite's "Dateline"
    and how the young woman did a wonderful job of explaining
    what had happened to her and how her "Wonderful Spiritual Family"
    came to her assistance in time of need... (yeah, right!)
    a link
    to a webpage showing the "changes in position" over the years
    by the Watchtower as to just how a woman should react
    if she should be raped...


    Talk about 'tacking in the wind'!

    LOve, Tallyman

  • Inquiry

    This would have been awesome on dateline... it's exactly what happened to those young women...

    AWAKE! 3/8/93 p.7
    Presents a caption, "Profile of a Potential Rapist," which might be more
    aptly captioned, "Profile of a Spiritual Rapist." It is interesting to
    note that six of the twelve characteristics of a potential rapist applies
    to the attitude of the Society:
    "Emotionally abuses you by insulting you, ignoring your views, or getting
    angry or annoyed when you make a suggestion." "Tries to control elements
    of your life, such as how you dress and who your friends are..."
    "Gets jealous" "Talks down about women in general." "Intimidates you"
    "Can't handle frustration without getting angry." "Doesn't view you as an equal."


  • Robdar

    "Doesn't view you as an equal." Just what is that supposed to mean?
    Since when does the WTBTS view women as equal to men?

    Sisters, do you remeber having to wear a covering on your head if you served in any position that a brother would normally serve?

    "Thank God Almighty, free at last"


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