As a few of you know, I almost became a JW just a short time ago. Thankfully, I did not. The Dateline piece was done well and should only be the start of the destruction of this elitist holy club. While perhaps the JW's have alot of doctrine right in regard to paradise on earth, etc......their insertion of all of their manmade rules and observances reek of mental and emotional abuse. Thanks to God for helping me know this was not right for me.
I now want to say to all of you this: I am so glad for you that this came out. ALthough I don't know you personally, I am so sorry for the hurts you have been put through in the name of Jehovah. The strength you have shown to leave something so controlling will see you through anything. You all deserve to have the Watchtower exposed for what it is. Please know people do care what has happened to you....and welcome to the real world. Outside of the KH we actually mean it when we say God loves you. And that you matter. And that you have a right to use the brains God gave you to ....gasp.....THINK!!!!
Enjoy the afterglow of the show.