JW's who didn't SEE it, will HEAR about it!

by D8TA 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    They won't hear about it from you, and not by me.

    By who?

    The angry person opening the door during "field service". I think the "do not call" list is about to get a tad longer.

    Another problem, associated with the issue of victims within the organization, is that the public is now in jeopardy of contact with unreported pedophiles.

    Whether the Jehovah Witnesses like it or not, the box that they live in still resides in within our communities. They come upon our property uninvited to "spread the good news". I for one don't ask for them to come to my door, and pretty much I can assume most others don't ask them to come to their doors also. So therefore, they have interaction with the community outside of their own.

    Jehovah Witnesses who support their arguments against the pedophilia issues with the "not to go against Jehovah's arrangement" reasoning, are about to get a dose of reality. See, the local community doesn't share the same idea as Jehovah Witnesses when it comes to the issue of pedophilia. If there is a pedophile at the door, it's the local communities RIGHT to know who this uninvited person on your private property is...regardless.

    Jehovah Witnesses who support the "not to go against Jehovah's arrangement" therefore, in my eyes, also accept the accountability and responsibility.

    I say, if you have family members in the organization and want them out...that is YOUR family and YOU must do what is needed. For the rest of the 6 million, don't worry about them. Don't worry about whether or not they flee the Witchpower. A more reasonable approach is to make sure that the the 6 million doesn't reach 6 million and 1.

    Print of up flyers! Make signs! Get a protest permit and arrange to stand on a street corner from up the local Kingdom Hall on meetings nights. Tell the PUBLIC, what the "truth" about Jehovah Witnesses is!
    They are willing to hide pedophiles from the law and community, when it's our RIGHT to protect OUR family and children!

    If the Jehovah Witnesses are willing to protect their "own", do we the public not also have the RIGHT to protect ourselves? They have gone beyond proof to show that they turn a deaf ear to the rights of victims within their own society, and with their printed material, have gone beyond proof to show that they don't give a DAMN about the local community and it's children. Jehovah Witnesses can "wait on Jehovah" all they want, the community on the other hand, DOES NOT.

    Inform the PUBLIC! Reason with John/Jane Doe that every Watchtower and Awake they get is from an organization that supports and condones unjust action upon pedophilia victims. Reason with them that by taking such publications, that they are supporting an atrocity.

    Maybe after a few months and profits are down, the governing body will start realizing that there's a "new light" on the situation, and begin to "re-arrange Jehovah's arrangement".


  • Flip
    Reason with them that by taking such publications, that they are supporting an atrocity…Maybe after a few months and profits are down…

    Unfortunately, D’ I’m not certain it works that way. Very little currency is made actually ‘selling’ the Watchtower and Awake! or whatever, to the householder, whatever.

    The ‘publisher’, or significant ‘publisher’ with the cash, such as a Dad or Mom for example, donates cash for the mags, for the kids and themselves or the pet parrot ‘pining for the fjords’.

    If there happens to be fewer ‘publishers’, those remaining will be encouraged to order more WTBTS printing press fodder and obliged to take up the slack ‘donation’ wise.

    Regardless of whether the publications are for personal use and eventually end up in a Laundromat or the trash, the WTBTS systematically collects Jehovah’s cash, tax-free.


  • Mimilly

    Oh the JW gossip mill and the public gossip mills will ensure the word gets around about this.

    J.R. Brown's ears oughta be fryin out of his puny brain right about now.

    Never - ever - underestimate the gossip mill. LOL


  • Pathofthorns

    I think many local JWs here might not have seen the program due to it's timing. It fell right dead during meeting hours and if they were cutting the meeting they were most likely watching the hockey game. Unfortunately the hockey game probably will lessen the public impact here locally.

    But I still think they will get a significant number of people bringing this up at the doors and most JWs will be either ignorant of the show or poorly equipped to handle the information and will likely say it is "all lies".

    It is a shame they did not advertise the "do not call" list on the show.


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