God is busy with his property portfolio

by snare&racket 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    One way I managed to de-programme myself was to imagine the God of the universe being behind the desicions Watchtower were making. It first came to me when Barbara Anderson described being in a lift in Bethel discussing a property or land sale that didn't go through and her musing over gods involvement.

    We are meant to believe that the God who made the universe is behind this.....


    It stinks of greed, business and grandiose expansion. There is no god here.

  • SafeAtHome
    Just read that article, man I agree with you. Wonder if the average JW fully realizes just how much property they are buying up, how many millions are involved and what luxurious buildings their money is going for. And all this at a time that is sooooo close to the end and the R&F are encouraged to scale down any job or worldly pursuits and young ones are told not to plan for a future in the "system of things". WTF do they need all this for now if Armageddon is right around the corner. Seems they are not believing it themselves. You got some R&F with menial jobs living in mobile homes while these clowns are living in luxury accommodations.
  • Magnum
    If the end of the world is lurking on the horizon as they say, why don't they show they believe it and operate out of FEMA trailers?
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Jesus has been ruling since 1914 when Jehovah gave him the kingdoms of the world and he's been using the WT corporation to buy him some small pieces of real estate because Satan still holds the keys of the kingdom until Jehovah give's him the signal to throw him in the bottomless pit and kill off 99.999% of the earth human population and some innocent animals like house hold pets as we know from previous explosion's of Jehovah's rage that collateral damage will be very high.

  • freddo
    Luke 12: 16 - 21 talks about unnecessarily building bigger storehouses ... ... ...
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    As crazy-face Lett begs for money on the broadcast, WT Corp is "spending more than they're taking in", buying up luxury apartments and industrial real estate. Are they going to convert all of those into Kingdumb Hauls that can be used in Africa?

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