Has anyone been over to the silentlambs website and read the guestbook since the Dateline show? Here are a couple of replies I thought were rather sickening-
Remote User:
29 May 2002
Number one: All JW's that are responding to this website remember, you should not be looking, reading, or responding to any website that could be construed as Apostate. So your response indicates you don't believe it is an apostate website. There in lies the problem. Quite a quandary.Secondly, I find it quite interesting that the so-called witnesses (those defending the WT and their actions) are somewhat hostile in their writing and quite un-Christian, lacking the fruitage of the spirit. Did Jesus justify the Pharisees and Scribes? Was Judas considered a good apostle? Let's just call a spade a spade. Pedophiles are perverts who should be turned over to the proper authorities upon discovery. Anyone who feels the congregation will be benefited by hiding their disgusting behavior is doing nothing more than endorsing the perversion itself.
Thirdly, why are those trying to defend the faith (admittedly quite poorly) not including their email addresses for any rebuttal? Anyone...Anyone...? I'll tell you why...they are inane fools. Is that redundant? For anyone that wants to contact me, here is my email address [email protected]
Remote User:
29 May 2002
You know, I laugh in your face. What a pitiful program. How could you try to attack those good people? Disgruntled employees...that's what you all sound like. Who can have pity for lying lambs and the 'shepherd' that created this fake, phoney, and fraud of a website. Oh please, every religion has a little bad in it. But you all act like the Jehovah's are the worse thing on earth. I saw that Dateline show. What was it suppose to prove? Listen, in those few cases you showed the criminals where thrown out of the religion and sent to jail. What more do you want? The death penalty? Blood? And the people on this site who claim they were abused...why didn't you call the police when it happened...why don't you do so now??????? The Catholics are doing that even after years. If you really claim something happened then do something about it. If someone committed a crime against me or my family I would not be afraid to go to the police. I would want justice immediately. Instead, we have lying lambs here who claim crimes against them but they stay 'silent.' That's so stupid. You people make it bad for those who really had something done to them. And I'm really curious as to what I would find if I went through some of your closets??? You know they say that an abuser of children often commits the same crime. How many of you have touched little Johnny or Jane? Curious. sign me, Roman ( [email protected])