The AMA Awards show

by Quarterback 4 Replies latest social current

  • Quarterback

    Is it me, or am I getting to become an old man. I just can't figure out the music this year. It's like I don't want to leave the easy listening hits of the 70's-80's. Then the hits became thin.

    Why didn't Anthony slam the music of this year. Surely it's gotta be worse than the socks, spanx, meterosexual wear.

  • JeffT

    Don't worry. Pretty soon you'll be yelling at kids to get off your lawn. My muscial taste runs to late sixties-early seventies, when I was in high school and college. Most of today's music is just noise to my ear.

  • smiddy

    The music of the mid 50`s and all through the 60`s was a great time to be a teenager , and both my sons thought that would have been a great era to live in

    Come to think of it I loved the 40`s music as well coming into my teens.


  • talesin

    Bob Seger is playing tonight ... and I'm not going. *sigh* I wonder if he can still rock it out on cuts like Katmandu and Sunspot?

    I like the music now, but I enjoy most music (exceptions are opera and some jazz).



  • Quarterback

    Remember when Garth Brooks used to take all the awards. Now a days he just can't seem to make comeback.

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