Dateline mentioned that only 16 States make it mandatory for religous leaders to turn in pedophiles to the authorities. Why is this? This is disgusting to think that there are 34 States that allow churches to harbor child molestors. Our Goverment is just as bad as the Watchtower!
Why only 16 States??
by KJV 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
if you live in a state that doesn't require mandatory reporting write to your legislators and get them to change the law! that's how it works here....
reporting laws in all states and DC
here's the intro before all the state statutes are listed:
Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect1
Every State and the District of Columbia have statutes identifying mandatory reporters of child maltreatment, and under what circumstances they are to report. Any person, however, may report incidents of abuse or neglect. Today, reporting laws embrace all professionals working with children. Individuals typically designated as mandatory reporters include:
Physicians, nurses, hospital personnel, dentists;
Medical examiners;
Mental health professionals and social workers;
School personnel;
Law enforcement officials; and
Child care providers.In approximately2 18 States, any person who suspects child abuse or neglect is required to report.
The standards used to determine under what circumstances a mandatory reporter should notify authorities of suspected abuse also vary from State to State. Typically, a report must be made when the reporter suspects or has reason to suspect that a child has been abused or neglected.
Mandatory reporting statutes also specify when a communication is privileged. Privileged communications are specific situations where mandatory reporters are not required by law to report cases of child maltreatment. The privilege most widely recognized by States is that of attorney-client. The clergy-penitent privilege also is frequently recognized.
1 The State Statutes contain excerpts from specific sections of each State's code. While every attempt has been made to be as complete as possible, additional information on these topics may be in other sections of a State's code as well as in agency regulations, case law, and informal practices and procedures.
2 The word approximately is used throughout the State Statutes Elements to stress the fact that statutes are constantly being revised and updated. -
The interesting aspect to last night's broadcast was JR Brown's discourse.
He said that the elders are just like other clergy; what they hear from a Brother is confidential...just as in the example above.
This goes against the explanation that JW elders are just "lay clergy." Meaning that they are unpaid volunteers who counsel people.
By stating that they are just like other clergy he opens the door for litigation. If a victim comes to them and they do not alert the authorities they will be liable....along with the parent organization that gave them the power. The Brother telling them he molested and confessing is going to be rare. How many molestors come forward and just talk about it?
The core to the victims arguement is that the victim and/or family comes forward, the elders call in the accused and the accused confesses or denies. Either way it is not a confession like we think of in Catholic church. This is different than a molestor coming forward and looking for forgiveness. When the victim makes an accusation, the authorities should automatically be alerted. The accused telling the elders that yes he did molest, is not protected. This is where they opened themselves up for civil lawsuits.
I hope victims start suing the butts off them.
The key is documentation....document, document, document....who, where, what was said. I know the elders are, now the victims need to.