E-Watchman: Sides with Tony III on the pants issue and more.......

by AFRIKANMAN 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Stumbled upon Bob the King's site and read some of his literary offerings.

    • He is strongly of the opinion that the Tony Toids remarks re: the Tite Pants is straight down the line:"" I have to say I agree with Brother Morris. I don’t think there is any question that gays dominate the fashion world, as well as the entertainment media. And we in the Western world who are subjected to this steadily degrading culture cannot help but be influenced by it to some degree.""
    • Da Judge was justified in much of his actions re: Clergy / "cleaning out Bethel etc :- "" But the Judge also had to deal with the cult-like following that Russell retained in the organization even after his death. Rutherford jettisoned a lot of the baggage left over from the Russell era, like the celebration of Christmas and Easter, he ditched the Masonic cross and crown. He repudiated Russell’s pyramidology. He was a completely different personality than his kindly-mannered predecessor."".......""Taking the broader view, it appears that Joseph Franklin Rutherford was well suited for the times in which he lived. ""
    • ""As for the 1935 being the cutoff date for the heavenly calling, there is a scriptural basis for it. I’ll try to explain. ""

    He is kinda creeping back into the mold by the looks of it - vying for a top executive post in upstate NY perhaps ?

  • Listener

    E-Watchman spends his time defending leaders of the Watchtower Scoiety. He has no idea about the Societies inner workings are or any ofl the information they withhold and keep secret. Even in his attempted defence of the Society being associated with the UN he has no more information than anyone else (other than the Society) and does a bad job.

  • EdenOne

    Robert (E-Watchman) is infatuated with himself and his role as a prophet.

    He was important in the initial stages of my awakening, but soon I realized that he, despite his obvious intelligence, is another deluded self-styled prophet who loves gathering a following after his crackpot bible theories about the Watchtower and "Jehovah's people".


  • cantleave

    despite his obvious intelligence

    Really?? He hides it well

  • EdenOne

    Last time I checked, that is ... more than a year ago :P

  • wolfman85

    He has become what he criticizes.

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