Ive been to an eerily accurate psychic who got so many things right. I dont believe in God but I definitely believe in a spirit world. If you have been to a psychic who has been accurate have you ever asked about the future of JWs? Any other interesting psychic stories.
Anyone been to a psychic? Id love to ask about JWs future.
by jemba 8 Replies latest jw friends
Don't know about the psychic thing, but I'd give my left arm to hear an intelligence analyst's take on the matter.
Yes I believe in the spirit world and if there is any information to be gained that is where it comes from . OTOH, Tarot can be very helpful for self therapy. You would not need to be psychic to use it. Many ( if not most) psychics are frauds but there are some real ones. The process works a bit like what is portrayed in the movie " The Gift". I seldom say too much in these threads b/c of the mocking. In the end,believe what you want.
I actually went once, which was interesting experience. The psychic used tarot cards. I do not think anything spiritual behind it, but I was suprised that person knew things about my life, like my father was recently dead, and my mom was dating a guy who will be a disaster - which was. He also said that my JW aunt was evil and scheming against us with other relative over my father inheritance. This was a problem for years and true do the point.
Hey, there's a goal for 2015. Go to a pyschic. It's definately a bucket list item.
kaik - Is that serious? Did they just say those things out of the blue? Like my father is alive, my mom isn't dating, etc, so if I was you, would she have asked questions to then get to that or did she just say them? (I imagine them being like....."mmmmm something big recently happened in your life. you reply yes. They say..."mmm a death".) Was it like a process of elimination or were those things said without confirming/asking questions?
Yup, been to many.
After JWs I went to a spiritualist after some arm-twisting from friends. I was given various bits of info, but also was told that my grandmother (who was named -not a common name) was looking out for me and saying the "Lord's Prayer" for me.
Some year later I owned and managed a metaphysical bookstore, knew many psychics. I had some unusual readings which were specifically accurate about some people in my life (i.e. named names). Nevertheless, after running psychic fairs for a number of years I came to believe that it was mostly a sham and mostly done for $.
Still, there were things told to me that were so specific that they were not easily explained, and so the ability to "read" remains a question mark.
I used to post here many years ago. I came to look for Lady Lee and was dismayed to fomd that she is no longer posting here. Does anyone know how I can reach her?
EoM, yes it was true to the point. I went to business trip into Ukraine via Slovakia and Poland. We stopped at northeastern Carpathian mountains where I saw a store with a tarot cards. There was not much else to buy, so I bought a pack of tatot cards, they were nicely medieval style. The guy offered me the psychic reading for free, because I bought items in his place and I agreed, what the heck. It did not last too long. He placed the tarot cards on the table, and did some bs talks that are generic, etc, but he put on the side several cards... which one he said represented my father recently passed (~1 year) and I still mourn him. He told me that my mom tries to date a guy, but he is a bad man and warn me to help me to stop her from doing it. He also told me that my grandmother was alive from my dad site, but she will die shortly. And warned me on two women who will be big headache to my family. Both would be relatives. One was JW aunt who was spreading rumors that were hurtfull, and other aunt, sister of my dad was sueing us for his inheritence. The lawsuit was lasting for two years. How he could knew it all, I do not know. I was in different country seing this old man for the first time. Yet, he knew about the lawsuit, my granny to be alive, my mom who did not want to be widow... This is only psychic reading I have done.