You're absolutely right. Going further: we are designed by evolution to find green landscapes to be beautiful - any potential competing species that lacked this would've been less drawn to areas with plenty of food and were therefore less likely to have reproductive success.
Indeed many of the things that are so often cited as evidence of a loving creator are similarly explained away by the inevitable compatibility that life would have with it's environment.
A little different one is when people use our ability to see in color as evidence that good loves us. We would be just fine seeing in black and white, but good saw city to give us the ability to see in color so we could appreciate the beauty of creation, or so the argument goes. First I would argue that we would not be "just fine" without color vision - the ability to quickly identify predators, ripe fruit, poisonous insects, and potential prey are all heavily dependant on or ability to see in color. Second, if god is so loving that he wants us to see the beauty of creation, why not extend or vision into the infrared or ultra violet? Surely this would enhance our appreciation immensely. Or why not gov us the ability to see xrays, after all, much of our cosmos is only observable on that end of the spectrum. Third, similar to your point, of all we saw was black and white, surely we would learn to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings anyway, being completely ignorant of all that we are missing - exactly as we are ignorant of what we are missing in the rest of the EM spectrum.