Visited JW family yesterday. Conversation turns to Bethel's recruitment drive for volunteers to help build the new complex in Essex and how many pioneers and holding back from volunteering directly with bethel but willing to volunteer thru what was the regional building committee (can't remember what the new name for RBCs is). The reason? You can count your time if you do it with the Regional Building Committee but not if you volunteer directly with Bethel. I mean, WTF?! Do these people not hear themselves?
Counting time to build bethel.
by krejames 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In WT-world, pioneer county, "hours" are the most important thing. It matters not a whit what you do with those hours - if they are "countable", that is literally all that matters.
If the watchtower corporation was a little bit smarter they would allow all members to count time on building projects. Publishers would line up to help build a real estate empire for the religion.
I count my Time while on this site.. If I visit from my IPad.. Not from my PC though.. Is that ok?
@objectivetruth: exactly! How legalistic can one get? Either Buiding bethel counts or it doesn't. WTF does it matter if the work is done via the RBCS or directly for Bethel? (Sorry for my language I just think this is so ridiculous yet I didn't think much of this kind of thing while I was in)
Crazy, crazy and more crazy.
And so familiar.....counting time is everything.
I spent that laat few days of an aux pioneer month driving between RVs - choosing to go from one end of town to the other - counting the time...... With my pioneer partner for the month.
This was several years ago - both of us sincere in our desire to meet our pledge to do the hours.
Good grief. I'm so ashamed.
I laughed so hard at your post. It really boggles the mind, doesn't it! I hear my family say things like this and I want to violently shake them into reality.
The GB is making a packet by rendering at any price their co-domestics more and more addicted to drawing up columns of figures.