Will the WT surpass the Catholic Church in Policy?

by JT 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • JT

    a number of my fellow nonjw here at work were ready when we got to work.

    this is what jr stated in effect:


    """""known pedophiles are not allowed hold positions or to go door to door alone"""""""

    on another occasion he stated in effect that :


    """""" a known pedophile would not work a territory where he is known or reconized as a pedophile"""""""


    now these 2 statements are truly powerful in their implications.

    you see the catholic church in location after location AT LEAST ARE TURNING OVER THE "KNOWN" pedophiles that they have records on.

    now keep in mind that the wt has stated over and over that the catholic church is the MOST IRREPREHENSIBLE PART OF CHRISTODOM


    so what will WT do now that they have admitted publiclly that they know who the pedophiles are in various congregations around the world.

    will they instruct the service desk to release the names so that these men can be held responible by the laws of the land

    will they at least do as good as well as the catholic church?

  • Imbue


    Remember it took the Catholic Church 20 yrs and multiple law suits to begin the process of releasing names. They are only doing so after extreme pressure from ALL angles. They have law suits, members of the Church pressuring them and society. The Catholic Church also has extensive political agendas to achieve. The WT perceives that it doesn't have any political agendas. Despite their whoring with the UN!

    I don't see the WT releasing names without a major lawsuits. Since we know that the R&F are silenced so there is no pressure from within the social group.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • JT

    excellent point -- most jw will only repeat the party line

    1 lies lies lies

    2. if it is true then wait on jah

    they got both ends covered in thier mind

  • Imbue

    LOL@ JT love how you say it...heheh

    Yes, they are masters of manipulation at the WT! They have all the angles covered.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • LDH

    Reminding JT and all others===

    Your "policy" doesn't matter worth a damn if you don't do anything to enforce it.

    The Catholic Church has a policy against priests molesting children, too. Big freakin' deal, right?

    And the WTBS have reinforced their policy in the latest letter read to the congregations by saying that ELDERS will be investigating allegations of child abuse.

    I say Bull-fucking-shit.

    Their new policy should CLEARLY state: Our lay clergy will immediately turn over any allegations of criminal activity to the local authorities and let them handle it. Our lay clergy are UNTRAINED VOLUNTEERS and for the protection of all parties concerned, will NO LONGER be involved in any allegations of ANY criminal misdoing.


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