@ cofty:
Nice reference!
So, it looks like Great Crowd (GC) JWs are actually 'piggybacking' on the baptism of the Annointed to get through Armageddon. No wonder JWs are told they have to obey the Annointed without question and their salvation depends on that obedience! I can see changed doctrine eventually being that only the GB are the remaining Annointed.
What business, then, do great crowd JWs have in getting baptized now? It is certainly not necessary. Unless, they are truly getting baptized into the Annointed (as in, the Annointed is their Jesus - e.g. mediator).
It makes much more sense, considering all of this, that the separating of the Sheep and Goats is done, not at Armageddon, but after millenial rule is over! Why? Because, according to the WT, the Great Crowd has not been washed clean of sins. They are only "relatively righteous". So, how can they be counted as Sheep if they are not even washed of their sins!
Remember, the parable of the sheep and the goats says of the Sheep, " but the righteous into eternal life". Again, how could the Great Crowd go into eternal life if they have not been washed clean from the ransom. My impression has always been that the GC would have to stay faithful after Armageddon all the way until the 1,000 year rule was over. Every JW knows that the Sheep are not given eternal life right away. However, remember that WT says the Goats of that parable go immediately into "eternal destruction".