They didn't get away with this one

by berrygerry 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    At least they didn't get away with this one.

    He was convicted, despite WTS extreme efforts to quash a search warrant.

    (A pity that the US has crazy "religious privilege" rules - Canada is far more sensible)/

  • zeb

    Well done Canada!

  • happy@last

    They must have hoped it would set a precedent that their confidential letters cannot be opened to the authorities. It's odd that the meeting that night had been cancelled. I wonder what excuse was given to the rank and file?

  • Phizzy

    It amuses me that JW's will claim they do not have a Clergy Class one minute, but teh next will claim they do have one when it suits them.

    I do wish that similar cases in the U.S of A, where "privilege" is used as an excuse, were put to the same rigorous legal tests as in this case, as to whether they in fact have power in law. Perhaps Chaserious or someone well versed in U.S Law could explain the extent of the power of "privilege" there.

    Here in the U.K there is no such thing as Clergy/ Penitent privilege in Law.

  • Vidiot

    berrygerry - "Canada is far more sensible"

    Goes without sayin'.

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