The embarrassing history of the misnomer called JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

by Terry 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    The scriptures portray a person named Stephen who is termed the first "martyr." The Greek word means "witness."

    ( Greek : μάρτυς, mártys , "witness"; stem μάρτυρ-, mártyr- )


    Those who died for their faith were said to be "crowned in glory."

    Suspiciously, the name Stephen means"crowned."

    In fact, the account of the martyrdom of Stephen is probably a counterfeit story told to strengthen others for the trials ahead.

    How can we say this?


    The Jews were not allowed to execute anybody by order of Roman Law!

    Another account in the Bible, often referred to as the "woman taken in adultry,: portrays Jesus as stopping

    the stoning execution of a woman. The famous phrase, "Let him who is without sin throw the first stone," comes

    from this bogus account.

    New Testament scholars regard this text as spurious. It was added in later centuries, probably by some copyist using

    marginal notes.


    Jesus was undoubtedly the FIRST martyr and the story of Stephen was crafted to represent the glorious outcome of giving

    public testimony (witness) in the face of death, leading to the crowning glory of ruling in heaven with Christ.


    Jehovah was never a martyr. Jesus was.

    Jehovah's martyrs (i.e. Jehovah's witnesses) logically would actually be Jesus' martyrs because their course mimics the

    public testimony followed by crowning glory.

    Jehovah's Witnesses would be horrified to "take up their cross," because they have been carefully indoctrinated to despise it!

    So, we can see right from the start, Judge Rutherford's neologism (Jehovah's Witnesses) reflects his misunderstanding of

    history, language, theology, and the nature of Christianity.

    His was a LEGAL education. This penchant for Legalism is present everywhere in his writings.

    His religion reflected his mania, neuroses, and personality.

    Jehovah's Witnesses, rather than reflecting the spirit of Jesus giving his life for humanity, only reflects

    Judge Rutherford's PROSECUTORIAL bombast.

    How so?

    JW's try to prosecute rather than save.

    A Christian would be more of a DEFENSE ATTORNEY pleading

    an accused person's case before the court of heaven, begging for leniency.


    Christians would be PUBLIC DEFENDERS while Jehovah's Witnesses are like DISTRICT ATTORNEYS

    eager to see everybody who doesn't measure up to the letter of Watchtower Law convicted and executed!

  • smiddy

    Where is everybody ? Well I liked your post Terry .


  • Splash

    If a martyr is someone who dies for their faith, I imagine that there were martyrs 1,000's years prior to the 1st century.


  • eyeuse2badub


    Always enjoy your comments and insight. I suspect that we are about the same age since I was also a caught up in the Vietnam War fiasco in 1969-71. I lived in California and the sentence that a lot of us California JW's received was: '2 years working in a community hospital'. I guess the prisons were too full of real criminals. lol

    "The Jews were not allowed to execute anybody by order of Roman Law!"

    I always found that account about Stephen quite unusual also. The Jews couldn't executeJesus because of Roman law, yet these same Jews could execute Stephen? and in Jerusalem? The bible account seems a little inconsistent to say the least.

    just saying!


  • Listener

    Great post.

  • EdenOne

    The Jews (more accurately, the supporters of the Temple priesthood) *did* execute James, the Just, brother of Jesus, in 62 CE. He was thrown down from the Temple pinnacle, survived, then he was beaten to death with a club by an angry mob.


  • Terry

    Pilate said, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.”

    “But we have no right to execute anyone,” they objected. (John 18:31 NIV)


    Relevant: Josephus ( Jewish Antiquities 20.9.1) describes how, for just a few months in 62 AD, there was no Roman procurator over Judea. While the next procurator was still on his way, the high priest Hananiah ben Hananiah arranged for criminal trials against his political enemies, in order to have them executed. Josephus doesn't say it directly, but this would suggest local executions had to be approved by Roman authority, and the high priest took advantage of the power vacuum.


  • Terry



  • Terry


    "The year 1914, therefore, marks the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of glory." Watchtower 1933 Dec 1 p.362

  • Finkelstein

    But the bible says that Jesus's second coming will be a physically visible one, not an invisible one.

    Ironically false prophets are enemy's of God as it was said descriptively by Jesus himself and he warned his devoted followers to stay away from these ones.

    He also admonished his true followers to not make a time upon God's own sacred time of choosing.

    Some how religious charlatans like the WTS/JWS don't seem to pay much attention to those Scriptures.

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