(I never was a JW).
Just had a D2D (FS) visit. Older guy (said he's been in since 1958 and is an elder) with a younger guy (20 or so). Looking out at the street I obviously drew the short straw because further down the street was a pair of not unattractive younger women JWs. I suppose J saved them from knocking at my door and thus raising potential lustful thoughts in me.
I wasn't really in the mood so gave my usual response (Yes, I'll take a magazine thanks, goodbye') but the (self-confessed) elder wouldn't let it go. These are some of the points we discussed AFAICR.
My confusion over who is FDS - 'anointed' or GB. When and why change?
Wonderful research tool - JW dot org. No it isn't, and WT condemned internet as demonic until they caught up.
WT lit cherry picks and misquotes.
What about 1975? He gave party line. What about 'Millions Now Living' etc? Well, millions living now could be 'saved'. (He thought it was CTR that gave the speeches on that, I put him right, but he obviously wasn't keen to talk about him or the alky 'Judge').
Why the changes - what about photos of Xmas at Bethel?
Why the recent financial changes? Why build a new HQ? Why buy the swish waterfront property in Bangor?
Then we got onto child abuse. I mentioned Candace Conti (of course) and told him that if he was as keen on ressearch as he said, go look that up. Asked him, as an elder, what did the Flock book say? Call Legal. Told him I was a retired 30 year cop, dealt with a lot of child abuse, why would he call legal not police. He'd do that as well, he said, after he'd called legal. WTF, I said but more politely, have lawyers in a religious org got to do with it? And the two-witnesses rule? Mumble. I was extensisvely trained to deal with child abuse issues - you're an elder, sits on JCs, what training have you had? Mumble.
And what was with the JW dot org badges, signs, accessories, etc. (Neither was wearing one as far as I could see). 'We have to move in modern times' he said. Sorry, I thought your god was the same yesterday, today, forever? 'We must adapt'.
Consistently offered a bible study. I'd be happy to do that, I said, being an interested researcher (so am I, he said) but no WT lit, and we should start on the context and history. Which sources have you researched? Mumble. What about someone like Ehrman, I said. Blank. We should look at credible peer-reviewed research, I said. Mumble.
I don't think it can happen, I said, because if you told your fellow elders that for the next month you were going to eschew WT stuff and just research credible sources you'd be in trouble.
That led us on to DF-ing (we don't shun) and what about people who were previously DFed for believing what is now 'New Light'? Mumble.
And then it came - 'you are obviously an apostate'. 'Sorry' I said 'What's an apostate?'. 'Someone who talks against us'. I explained that my understanding (and that of most people) was that an apostate was someone who left a religion - like a muslim who is the worthy of death - and said 'I never was a JW, but if I was RC you'd be happy to convert me and make me an appostate from that religion?'. Mumble.
And then they left, but I invited him back for a bible study at any time. No doubt he shook the dust off his feet.
So there we are, an elder has branded me an apostate. (Which I am, but not from the dubs).
I felt a bit sorry for the elder, in a way. He is probably much too far into it to start thinking and possibly relies on it for his self-worth etc. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. It was interesting because I addressed some of my answers to the younger guy, who often nodded in agreement and seemed ready to answer - but the elder jumped in. No wonder they do their door-to-door visits in pairs.
Maybe no more visits for me if I'm recorded as a big A. Shame in a way because in the right mood I enjoy them, and there were some reasonably hot (OK, warm) sisters on the other side of the street ...
Two thoughts occur. First, noticing he date I suppose it's 'get your hours in' time. Second, I wonder if I should do a Data Protection request to see if I'm on their records ...
All I wanted was a quiet Saturday morning at home in preparation for some/many beers this afternnon with my worldly (in so many ways) brothers.