Need I point out the Watchtower Corporation is run by men over eager to pass off misconceptions, and other dishonest nonsense as TRUTH?
Not only do they see a snake where there is only a tree root, but they make mountains of theological taboos where there is barely a discernible molehill.
Before we get into the depth of our topic, let’s look at some innocent origins of everyday things.
Christians and Jews have been using calendars for centuries to mark the holy days they celebrate to the glory of God. But calendars were first developed among the pagans, based on their observation of the motions of the sun, moon and planets (the same origin as astrology!). On both the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the names of most of the months are of pagan origin:
- January was named for Janus, Roman god of beginnings and doorways;
- February is named for Februa, a pagan festival of purification;
- March was named for Mars, god of war;
- April was possibly named for Aphrodite;
- May for the goddess Maia;
- June for Juno, wife of Jupiter and queen of the gods;
- July for Julius Caesar (the Romans deified their emperors);
- August for Emperor Augustus (another deified emperor);
- September through December are simply numbered months.
The days of the week were named for the seven "planets" in ancient astrology, which were in turn named for pagan gods:
- Sunday, the day of the Sun
- Monday, the day of the Moon
- Tuesday (Martis) for Mars, Germanic languages named it for Tiu, the Teutonic warrior god.
- Wednesday (Mercurii) for Mercury, Germanic languages preferred the Teutonic god Wotan.
- Thursday (Jovis) - for Jupiter/Jove, in Germanic tongues for Thor, the Norse thunder god.
- Friday (Veneris) - for Venus, in Germanic tongues for Frigg, Norse goddess of love.
- Saturday for Saturn, Roman god of the harvest.
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Here is a question for you:
Does a Christian commit IDOLATRY by using these “months and days” of Pagan origins?
Before you trouble yourself with an answer—let me stop you right there!
My question is purely rhetorical.
In fact, the query has no basis in serious discourse because it is mindless.
Seeing snakes where there is but a tree root of history makes a molehill into a mountain.
People, societies, nations, tribes who lived BEFORE US got here first, didn’t they? (Yes.)
They had the right to call the months of the year and the days of the week whatever they wanted.
Consequently, WE ARE FREE to ignore the superstition connected with that naming process.
We ARE NOT OBLIGATED to swallow their tribal rituals, practices or pagan origins as MEANINGFUL TO US.
And that is about all there is to it.
To go beyond that by teaching others they are corrupt, devilish, and rejected by God for simply recycling previously named events WOULD BE NEUROTIC and maniacal.
Do you agree?
And yet . . .
IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS I would like to start a series of topics concerning the obsessions of religious impurity which befell the leaders of the Watchtower Corporation in the 1920’s.
These neurotic compulsions were passed along to ALL THE MEMBERS worldwide on purpose!
This mind sickness took root and remains firmly entrenched in Watchtower dogma and theology even today.
Yes, members can be removed from the congregation if they fail to think like the maniacal leaders!
When and Why did the Watchtower Corporation’s leadership suddenly decide
To STOP CELEBRATING birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, as well as changing the venerable Cross of Jesus into a pole, tree or stake?
IF WE FIND THE CAUSE we shall discover the origin of the mental illness which swept this religion into
Full blown CULT.
Make a timeline of core beliefs from 1879 to 1942 to pinpoint when certain changes occurred.
"When Jehovah's Witnesses cast aside religious teachings that had pagan roots, they also quit sharing in many customs that were similarly tainted." Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdomp.198