i mean its says RIGHT IN THERE not to pray in public, or babble on, How many 10 minuet long babbling prayers have you endured ??
where in the bible does it tell us anyone prayed for a large group of people publicly, or even in front of the family at their homes?
it says in vs 14 to be forgiving, how can disfellowshipping someone be forgiving? how can shunning be forgiving???
jesus Never spoke of disfellowshipping did he??
and to lend when asked, how many people do you know would even think of asking the elders to lend them some money from the congregation savings account for an emergency auto repair? or a set of new tires or food? no one I know.
we are not boast about what you have done [left hand right hand] but what in the world do they think going on tv is doing???