I don't know if many of you have watched this exceedingly IN DEPTH interview in which Raymond Franz expounds so many wonderful
subjects with such precision and affection.
by Terry 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know if many of you have watched this exceedingly IN DEPTH interview in which Raymond Franz expounds so many wonderful
subjects with such precision and affection.
Evocative and humble stuff !
btw - I discovered that someone has done an audio reading/recording of the entire Crisis of Conscience on YouTube -
There is also a recording of the 1975 Gilead Grad Talk that uncle Freddie gave on which RF gives his own commentary.
I'll listen to this after work.
Ray was a lovely man, he was truly humble, and he really did try to reply to all the people who wrote to him, with suggestions and guidance for them ,given with his usual humility and common sense.
He never got beyond being a Bible believer, though he was far from a Bible Literalist, and had a much better grasp of what the Bible actually said than any of his JW contemporaries, or JW's of today.
He was probably the biggest loss the WT has ever experienced, but they themselves engineered it, in a most spiteful way.
He was way too Christlike for the W.T, his very existence challenged everything they claimed for themselves.
Thanks for posting that Terry , had watched it awhile back.
It kind of shows the sincerity of the man and his explanations to why and how the WTS grew in power and control making all the logical sense.
This would be a very good video to send to someone who is having doubts about the WTS. in its viability of really being the only
organization that had been chosen by god.
"He was way too Christlike for the W.T, his very existence challenged everything they claimed for themselves."
I had to chuckle when I read this. You are accurately precise.
Had Ray Franz been a different sort of man, he easily could have started a REFORM J.W. movement and split off.
There was none of that in him.
He got it all out of his system with two books and personal appearances.
Ohhhh the fear which must have bubbled to the surface in the Tower headquarters while Ray was on the loose:)
Had Ray Franz been a different sort of man, he easily could have started a REFORM J.W. movement and split off.
There was none of that in him.
He got it all out of his system with two books and personal appearances.
Yeah, I was thinking about that while watching the interview. He's clearly a very humble man and when people kept asking him where to go once they leave he basically said "go anywhere you like, but I prefer small bible study groups"
Here he is, the highest level appostate that there's ever been, and he certainly doesn't fit the WTS' narrative of appostates who only want to "draw off followers after themselves." Indeed, here was an appostate that went from having millions of followers to doing meanial labor and living in a trailer. Even when approached by others looking for someone to follow, he turned them away and only had interest in studying the bible with a group of peers.
This humble brother has helped me so much. Many that watch and comment on this website have been 'beat by their fellow slaves' (Matt. 24:49) It is very ironic to me that Brother Ray Franz is viewed by many JW's as the 'ultimate apostate', when in reality, if all of the WT leadership had his humble attitude, many of us who have left the WT org would still be involved. In the org, we are taught that we are not in Jehovah's favor if we leave. Many who leave believe this and lose faith in Jehovah and Jesus. Ray Franz is a must read or listen, because he mentally helps all of those 'beaten sheep' to see that they are indeed still individually valuable to Jesus and Jehovah.
I know there are many active JW's that lurk here. For those in upper leadership, you will have a lot to explain to Jesus if you refuse to humble yourselves. (James 4:6-10) Paul made clear in 1 Cor 3:9, that even if you are a 'leader', you do not have authority over your 'fellow workers'. Ray Franz did not believe it was possible for the WT org to change as a whole. It is then up to all of you current leaders to prayerfully individually consider if your current course is really helping or actually destroying others spiritually. NOT something to take lightly!
Ray had a bit more honesty and integrity than his uncle Fred or any other GB from his time and probably even today.
The part where he goes on to explain how and why C Russell made himself famous and how the hierarchal power of the
organization became so corrupt and perhaps self absorbed, I thought was very compelling to listen to.