A letter is to be read out at service meetings this week in the UK saying that Sam Herd & John Larson are visiting next April. On Sat 25th there will be a 3 hour programme streamed to all congs. The postscript (not to be read out) instructs congs that haven't already done so, to order the necessary equipment. Around here there is already a 2 month wait for equipment and then everyone is trying to find someone to fit it. I envision a nice bit of chaos next April.
Headquarters representatives visit to UK 2015
by Saltheart Foamfollower 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Aww, no AMIII? So sad that you don't get to sit through the tight pants rant.
St George of England
Can anyone get the download code/password?
Separation of Powers
Congratulations! Maybe they will condemn Doc Martins
If there are any halls left that they haven't sold off by then. I guess it might be like a "thanks for giving us all your money" speech. Or knowing the WTBTS, more like: "are you sure that was all of the money? did you try down the back of the couch?"
No, it will be about tight pants, gays, and fish-n-chips. Fish-n-chips just are plain evil, didn't you know?
Coming to a Kingdom Hall near you. Saturday April 25th at 2pm.
Chairman: "Well brothers and sisters we're about to tune in to London Bethel - aren't we glad to be here shoulder to shoulder with our brothers in Bethel. Sadly (light laugh) our brothers in Midsomer Worthy (South) and Midsomer Worthy (North-West) will have to wait until tomorrow to hear the replay because we (smugly) are the home congregation and we lovingly voted ourselves to go first."
Chairman: (anxiously looking at the sound booth) "How are we doing brother Nerdo? Any signal yet?"
Brother Nerdo: "Err it worked this morning when I came down here (instead of going in the ministry)."
Audience - shuffle - cough - murmer. (The autistic bible study's kid calls out "I want to go Mum!")
Chairman: (blinded by the white light of the new projector - the one that cost 20% more than if the congregation bought it directly on line and the society weren't getting kick-backs from the jinormous order they'd placed with Panasonic.) "Ummm, hang on I'm sure it will come through."
Brother Nerdo fiddles with something on the platform and Sam Herd's face is projected on his backside and for a few seconds the words " ... fraam the United States of America we briiinng the loooovvvvvve of the entire Bethel familyyyyy .... " are heard before the picture freezes and buffers then disappears.
After about twenty minutes of useless faffing about the Chairman announces. "sorry brothers it looks like the link has gone down so why don't we get out our Watchtowers for a two hour study and brother "Useless speaker" will go and get a public talk outline so you don't miss out!"
The autistic boy calls out "Mum I've been in my pants."
And so goes the first mass listen-in in the UK.
Hopefully Sammy the Mysoginist will show up and top Tony's tight pants tirade!
freddo, that was brilliant !
You have "seen the future, and it doesn't work." ( with thanks to Lincoln Joseph Steffens, for his quote).
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Thanks for the heads up, this is extremely handy as now I can plan something for us to do that Saturday so we don't have to sit through that lot! Nice one!