I have seen and read plenty of stuff on the net that implies many of the things in the bible are actually refuring to the zodiac. One example would be that in the new testament the 'end of the world' phrase is actually a miss translation and it should say 'end of the age' and that this age that is being talked about is the change to the new sign of the zodiac which occurred at about 125 AD to the sign of Picees. Has anyone done any extensive research on this theory that many things referred to in the bible is actually talking about the zodiac signs etc.?
zodiac and the bible
by Crazyguy 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
I haven't done any research on it, but i listened intently to a podcast given by one that did research it thoroughly. Off the top of my head I remember him saying that every 2500 years the zodiac sign changes. The last 2500 we were living under Pisces. That's why the churches have a sign of the fish, and Jesus fed the multitude with2 fishes, and so forth. The age we're going into now is Acquarius. I don't know when, he didn't say, and I don't know what it means as to what is supposed to happen, but it sure would be worth a study. And especially sun worship. The Bible and Jesus are all about sun worship. If you want to hear the podcast, I can look it up and tell you where to find it. Acquarius has something to do with water.
Gen 1:14 says that the stars would serve as signs for seasons and for days and years. So astrology is given the green light!
It seems to me that Astrology is just another fairy tale with zero hard evidence to back it up. Even when they break away from the JWs, some people are still susceptible to believing in make-believe stories. The best bet is to stick with scientific facts instead of Magical Thinking.
It wouldn't be unbelievable if one set of magical beliefs had borrowed some ideas from another.
Russell included the Zodiac in his 1914 Photodrama Of Creation.
The image won't paste properly, but just download the book and look on page 1.
Twelve Signs of the Zodiac
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According to Russell who agreed with Professor Dana, the "Light" from God was also called, The Zodiacal Light.
1881 Zion's Watch Tower.
. Vs. 3. "And God said, Let there be light; and there was light." What Prof. Dana predicates of the beginning of activity in matter would, we think, be true in the beginning of a special moving. He says, "In such a beginning, the activity would show itself instantly, by a manifestation of light, since light is a resultant of molecular activity. A flash of light... would therefore be the first announcement of the work begun." This would of course be some kind of electric light, earthly, not heavenly, as the globe was then wrapped in dense clouds of steam from the heated waters. It may have been like the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) or the Zodiacal light.
The whole LIE-ble is stolen information, corrupted and rendered useless. Christmas is a prime example. The three wise men are in fact the three stars in the Belt of Orion. The Star of Bethlehem is in fact Sirius, which, with the three stars in the Belt of Orion, point to where the sun will rise on Christmas Day. Jesus is nothing more, in this story, than the sun (in the LIE-ble, that thing is nothing more than the archetype of the perfect slave).
And, the 12 apostles? They represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac. How many jokehovians are supposed to remember all 12 of the apostles' names yet cannot name the 12 signs of the Zodiac? This is to tie into energy from astrology in bringing in global slavery--Jesus was supposed to represent the Sun, and the 12 apostles the signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the signs of the Zodiac).
At least the sun is not determined to extort slavery out of mankind.
I heard that already in KH around 1990, which suppose to say the end of Pisces and beginning of Aquarius. However, there is no universal concensus were one constellation starts and other begins among astrologers, except by boundaries defined by IAU 1929. But again, these boundaries are invented by our imagination to describe celestial sphere.