Press conference regarding newest molestation case.

by truthseekeriam 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • truthseekeriam

    Saw this on another forum and wasn't sure if anyone shared it here.

  • smiddy

    Thank you ts.

    Previous links to that i couldnt veiw. Its a pity the sound wasnt up to scratch , a lot of it was very hard to understand ,however the gist of it came through loud and clear.

    1.The two witness rule , a left over from the Mosaic Law covenant has no place in todays society.Its a ludicrous law regarding sexuall abuse of minors.

    2.The arrogance of the G.B. refusing to hand over documentation of sex abuse by jehovahs witnesses despite court orders to do so .

    3.Being secretive about why a person is put on probation, restrictions or disfellowshipped , shouldnt a congregation know they have a sexuall predator or someone who has those tendencies toward that, be known to the congregation ?

    4. How else do you protect your children if you dont know who they should be wary of when the elders know but you dont.And they dont say anything.


  • jamiebowers

    I watched the first 10 minutes, but the audio is so bad that I couldn't hear what was being said. If anyone has a cleaner copy, please post it, as I'd love to listen to it.

  • gda

    go to erics utube JWStruggle or vimeo

  • gda

    or maybe it's ceders utube channel


  • Vidiot

    smiddy - "The two witness rule, a left over from the Mosaic Law covenant has no place in todays society.Its a ludicrous law regarding sexuall abuse of minors."

    Not to mention that it's - arguably - a misapplication of the very portions of the Bible it has its origins in...

    ...from what I can tell, those scriptures apply to accusations of fraud; the passages that touch on sexual assault don't even mention anything about witnesses, from what I recall.

    smiddy - "The arrogance of the G.B. refusing to hand over documentation of sex abuse by jehovahs witnesses despite court orders to do so... Being secretive about why a person is put on probation, restrictions or disfellowshipped , shouldnt a congregation know they have a sexuall predator or someone who has those tendencies toward that, be known to the congregation?"

    Up 'til now, we've assumed that it was all about pride, hubris, and a lack of humility, and I'm 100% certain those are significant components.

    However, there's also another, much more disturbing (potential) explanation for this...


    ...and that is the possibility that JW congregations everywhere may actually be so rife with child abusers (due to fewer and fewer qualified men making themselves available for congregational duties, among other reasons), that if they were all exposed en masse, the majority of rank-and-filers with half a brain would walk in order to protect their children; allegiance be damned...

    ...i.e., a mass exodus (what every authoritarian regime fears, no matter what they may say).

    Remember, there is a precedent for it; rumor has it tens of thousands left after Dateline back in '02, and that expose named only a handful of offenders.


    As much as the WT heirarchy runs the show (an iron fist in a velvet glove), we often forget that it's continued existence is still dependent on the R&F's continued membership and financial support, particularly in the developed world. If that were to suddenly erode, there's a distinct possibility that the revenue flow would dry up too fast for the Org to handle it, regardless of the value of their assets and holdings.

    Therefore, up 'til now, the insititutionalized sexual victimization of young people and subsequent cover-ups would have been considered small prices to pay simply to keep the Organization alive.

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