You are probably wondering if I've lost my mind with a question like this~!
There is a method to my madness, however.
Here is where this query originated; follow closely and comment. . .
FAITH is clearly connected to HOPE. But, there is a distinction with a difference.
How so?
FAITH is a single-minded certainty without proof which does not entertain the possibility of failure.
HOPE is an optimism carried along by positive thinking--but--with the awareness things may not work out ideally.
A harsher, more pragmatic way of saying it:
FAITH borders on obsessive delusion while HOPE is more clear-headed because it does not INSIST on excluding disproof.
If you can accept my definitions and the distinctions cited, please consider the topic question in that narrow context.
1. If Jesus KNEW, from the experience of having been in heaven, His death would lead to resurrection and installment as King--
FAITH would not have been a component of his motives, personality, and actions.
On the other hand,
2. If Jesus only gradually came to a kind of interior mental awareness (epiphany) of His identity and decided to act on it fully
(suicidal as it was) then He would be a person of FAITH.
WHICH one is it?
"My God, my god; why have you forsaken me," sounds very much like loss of faith under duress.
The prayer in Gethsemane, "Let this cup pass from my lips. . .,"sounds like faith under duress.
This uncertainty, doubt, momentary wavering must have confused early Christians who thought of Jesus as demi-god, or God himself.
There were many, many opinions. There were many writings. There was considerable ongoaing debate and discussion.
I believe this mixture of viewpoints seeped into the New Testament.
This would explain why BOTH Trinitarian and non-Trinitarian texts are present.
This would explain why three hundred years passed and during the Nicene Council the bishops were STILL arguing.
Even after a Trinity was agreed upon, there were temporary reversals; first Arius, then Athanasius prevailing and finding favor.
Rather than discuss THE TRINITY--please . . .
Answer the topic question in this rather narrow way.