No, I'm not mad at you (JWs)

by skeeter1 7 Replies latest social family

  • skeeter1

    I got a call today from JW relative, wondering why i haven't answered correspondance.

    No, I haven't called or written some JWs in my life for a while. I have chosen to not respond, or not quickly respond, to their inquiries. Yes, I've even blocked some from my social media and e-mail accounts. No, I am not mad at them. I have come to realize that I cannot reason with them. I have said all that I want to say to them.

    You see, I was never baptised, left the religion at 18, went to college, got married, and had a family & profession. I paid some bills along the way, saved some money, bought some nice things, burnt some money, went on vacations, paid other family member's needed expenses (like tuition, dental work, down on their luck). Done all of this without fanfare.

    But, the JWs in my life have resented me for what I've done. I've been questioned about new truck purchases, buying a breeded dog, and told that "Skeeter would be nothing without spouse." JW family members REPEATEDLY told us for 5+ year, "Look at Cousin B, he never graduated college and he's a retired millionaire at 40 years old." Ended up, Cousin Bob went to jail. Glad I patiently waited on Jehovah for that one. LOL.

    The JWs in my life are afraid of the opposite sex, and have terrible relationship issues. Let marraige & having children pass them by. They have spent & overspent their money, on foolish pleasures. They are hoping the New World gets here before the bill collector. They are picking "their house" out of field service. Yep, no retirement either. They are also waiting on the New World for a spouse and family. They are very unhappy people, and I find that when I make them more unhappy becuase their claws and forked tongues come out when I am near. Digs, little digs, all the time. I dread being around them.

    Several months ago, I finally told them that they needed help, professional help. I have then sought to limit my interaction with them. Because, they are toxic.

    Today, I got a call from one who thinks I am mad at them. I am not mad. I can't be mad at someone who suffers from either depression, bipolar, obsessive thought disorder, borderline disorder, or getting senile. For the senile one, I've asked him and other JW relatives for his doctor's name. No one gives it to me, so it's up to them to care for him. I can't be mad at someone who has been programmed by the cult to believe that I am "possessed by Satan" (as called into the Elders when he was staying at my house for a visit). It would be like being mad at a baby. I can get aggravated at a baby, but not mad.

    Today, I explained that I said everything there is to say, did not appreciate the various cut downs throughout the years, can not help a person who will not seek help themselves, and needed my own space for my own sanity. Plus, if I am not in the picture, then eventually they will not be jealous, and have to look at themselves as a cause of their issues.

    Why did I get this call? I figure the JWs are having issues, & fighting amongst themselves. They frequently have pure temper tantrums with each other, especially the two who live together. Last weekend was Thanksgiving, and two JWs showed up at another non-JWs house. The non-JW is like me, college graduates, house, family. This probably set the angst level up a notch. My pure guess.

    Finally, I told the JW who called me, just to call me. E-mails end up being a nightmare becuase I can't hear their tone(s). And, he uses it as a platform to send me copious amounts of JW 'cut and pastes'.

    No, I'm not mad at my JW relatives. I'd like to meet the real people underneath their cult personalities that are laced with the angst of missed opportunities. I really believe those real people are under it all. But, until they get help and leave the cult, it's like banging your head against a brick wall. Pure aggravation.

    (JWN, thanks you for letting me vent)


  • cultBgone

    Skeeter --- I hear you.

    I have jdub family but have zero contact with many of them because there is just no point. It's crazymaking all around so it's better to go live my life and not even think about theirs.

    Kudos to you for living your life.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    What you are dealing with here are those certiain "friends" and relatives most of us have, who die a little bit inside each time we have some sort of success. You distance yourself from them yet they pop in from time to time just to remind themselves how much they resent you. They are often looking for you to say something that will justify this resentment.

    Give them blank vague non committal answers and hope they get a clue and their contact with you becomes less and less frequent.

  • blondie

    My mother kept sending letters after I had told her that I could not stand her abuse any more, gave her 5 examples of what she continued to do. 50 years was long enough.

    I tossed them out; finally my husband shredded the most recent letter and mailed it to her...they finally stopped.

    jws though just make it up if they can't get it out of you

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    I think being jealous and judgmental towards ex- and non-JW's in endemic in ze Organization (pronounced in my best Nazi accent). Any JW who is successful obviously has the big J's blessing. Any ex- or non-JW obviously owes his or her success to Satan. "They're living in THEIR paradise now!" Usually said in an undertone dripping with sarcasm and resentment. How often have you heard that?

    Even though I am officially neither DA nor DF, certain family members give me the full shun treatment nonetheless. Others only appear to do so when another JW might find out we're in contact and look askance. Gotta keep up appearances, you know. Still others carry on normally as they always have.

    Some of the ones most stringent in their shunning have their own skeletons in the closet. Deep dark family secrets that, if exposed, would seriously jeopardize their standing in the congregation. One who does not shun me has been disfellowshipped more than once but is currently in. He absolutely glories in regaling me and others about his exploits while disfellowshipped. No sign of repentance or regret at all. I truly believe he does not practice any of those things now, but he really enjoys telling those stories and I can tell he loves reliving his wild and hairy days. And when he gets upset about something, let's just say his language could make a sailor blush.

    Of course, when somebody needs something, I'm the first one they call. I have loaned or given money to more than one, with no expectation of repayment. I have never once mentioned the incident to the persons involved or reminded them of it in any way. And I have always made the recipients promise to keep it a secret between them and me. Otherwise, I'd be hit up even more. But still, I can't be invited to most family events or even share a restaurant meal when certain family members are present because "he's really an apostate, the brothers just haven't dealt with him yet."

    Some of my relatives are extremely smart and well-read, a few highly educated, and at least one has a genius IQ. But cognitive dissonance runs rampant like a virulent cancer, shutting down all critical reasoning and independent thought. They simply refuse to hear anything that could possibly be interpreted as negative about the Society or their beloved Governing Body. They practically worship everything "the Slave" says. (Now there's a misnomer if ever there was one.) The "brothers" can do no wrong. I've given up trying to reason with them or even point out obvious contradictions in their own literature. Official news reports that might put the Organization in a bad light are either outright lies or "demon-inspired" efforts to make them look bad. As someone said, "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

    Still, I wish them all well and bear no animus towards any of them. I guess I pity them in a way. If they could just stand back and take a good hard look at themselves without preconceived notions, they'd be shocked. But they are blinded by the Truth© and dare not open their eyes lest it undermine their whole lives and upset their little apple cart.

    Rant concluded. Resume normal operations.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    You know what is interesting to me? I hear phrases/ descriptions of JW thinking from all over the world here, and I have heard & know the same phrases, reactions, etc. We ALL know what an epidemic it is. These experiences show how much 'mind control ' actually exists. Their brains are "one" with "the master." So sad, so true.

    My dear son took a family in, who was in need of housing after a failed move to another state. This family of five lived with he and his wife for over a year. They became like family. After this recent 'telling the truth, standing up for what is right and for kids,' the men in our family were DF'd. My son was at a car wash recently, saw the wife and daughter come in (they didn't recognize him) he said "Hi".... She started to reply, with a smile, and a 'hi,' when she realized who he was .... "an apostate" who had once been one of the dearest people in their lives...

    Interestingly, she and her daughter decided to wait outside, in the cold, for their turn for service, but after 15 minutes returned to say "Well, we decided it is taking too long, we must go back "out in service."" She then gave some schpiel about "JW.Org" is the best place to go for help in this sad world, "you'll find all your answers there," and gave her a magazine. No scriptures, no nothing, just

    After they had gone, my son went to pay for his service, and said, 'you know that lady that just came in? She use to live with me, and when I decided to change my religion, she won't even talk to me.' The girl behind the counter said, "Weird!" and that was the best 'witness' ever.

    My husband says, "One day he would like to achieve the attitude expressed by all on this thread." He feels like he has to be "all in" to defeat the "Big Boss" in many of the video games. Win or lose, he then wants to have the strength of your self esteem that remains intact.

  • zeb

    I recently visted by long journey a sibling. older than i battling along with health and with financial probs caused by getting just the basic pension. You see the poor individual took out only the min required by law of any retirement plan but no retirement plan of their own. Following the endless edicts of the wts that... "any minute now..."

    Yes i have a plan and it makes an important difference its that extra that helps pay for essentials like top up health care cover and the occasional night out. I too was hit with the 'any day now'.. thing by the wts repeatedly over my earning years with the admonition not to "trust" in putting money away. Yes I know that the world scene can go to s*** over night and we might lose the lot but in the mean time we have the use of the extra putting us on the high side of just comfortable.

    I ask all JW on this matter.

    • Do you have car insurance? Why? Against the possibility of theft, crash or other loss of said vehicle.
    • Do you insure your house? Why?... ditto

    But when the prophecies all go a*** up and the end but better than that the new order or new world (pick the current title) doesnt happen what does happen? You get old you have to give up work! Now whether the light is old or knew you still get old.

    It was sad to my heart to see them in the situation ( I did try to tell them years ago but was rebuffed) but where is the wts now that so many are in this situation. It is no where to be seen while it hides away its millions.

  • sowhatnow

    my mother has this weird belief that satan blesses his own.

    ponder that...

    she cant comprehend how 'worldly people' can be happy, she thinks behind the fake happyness and 'fake lives' they are longing for 'true' happyness and the 'truth' will seth them free.

    its a very bent view of the world they have.

    she had once got into preachy mode with my daughter, and my daughter said to her 'granma, im happy why do you think im not happy?'

    my mom replied 'because your having all these health and financial problems'

    my daughter just sat there with a blank expression on her face trying to think of how to come back on that one, because we have NEVER not known a jw who isnt struggling major time with health and financial problems! who doesnt have those problems at one time or another?

    in fact almost ALL the ones my mom including my mom have such a low income they barely get to go anyplace or do anything and are on food stamps. they all live paycheck to paycheck and half if not more of the ones my mother knows eat anti depressants for breakfast.

    now if satan 'blesses his own', why then are jws not getting all the blessing from God? shouldnt they all be blessed with good jobs and cars and good health? and wonderful freinds?

    they are simpy jealouse and cant get over the fact that everyone cant think like them. its disturbing, because we all thought it .

    I think our minds certainly DO need made over.

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