So, I was reading Combating Cult Mind Control....and I was just thinking: since I've been doing research and learning about the false doctrines of the WTBS and others who are still asleep. The more I accept that all is not right, the more I see the depression that many in the org. are going through, the more I see the "human" side of things, the more I compare the average uber dub to the average mainstream Christian.....the more I recognize how this cannot be Jah's organazation. Jehovah knows those who are his.....which eliminates the need for a singular organazation. As I learn more, my faith is growing. I truly do feel a personal relationship with God and that I felt guilty about not having while still a believer. I feel extremely fortunate to be learning TTATT, to be a member of this forum, and to be still inside just enough to encourage others within to seek truth. (though cautiously). Inner peace and mental freedom > being a believing uber dub.
Since learning TTATT
by Blackfalcon98 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Yep I know how you feel, I too felt that way once for awhile about a year ago. Its a nice feeling unfortunately it went away for me as I continued my journey.
congrats on learning did not mention if you are married or have children. if so, you will have rough waters ahead. before trying to teach the zombies. i recommend listening to this segment on youtube. it is cultfreeradio.
listen to all sixteen. it is valuable information and it will set your journey in the right direction. i too still believe in Jehovah and Jesus...but detest the BORG!!!!.
Take it slow, listen to the link.
You could PM anytime you want.
Just dont be too quick at affiliating yourself with another set of beliefs....
This is how I'm feeling right now. Sometimes its just too hard listening to their propaganda but we just have to hang in there because of family. Many dubs don't have a clue the kind of influence they are in.
The time will come when we will make our decisions clear.
@stuck, thanks I dont really intend to.
@goingthru, No kids, just parents.
Hey Falcon, am in a similar situation as you are & can relate to how you feel. Just discovered TTATT earlier this year & realized that we have been fed with a lot of spiritual bullsh*t! Am trying to fade now before I lose my sanity...
A couple of points to ponder Blackfalcon98 ,
The jehovahs witness religion was founded in the 19th century along with the church of jesus christ of latter day saints , the christadelphians , many 2nd adventist movements ,some gone , the 7th day aventist movement , christian scientist , to name a few.
They were all to some degree or another focused on christs second presence , and they were all American inspired religions.
The mormons , the Witnesses , the christadelphians , the christian scientists , they all originated in America .Sure your religion operates in all parts of the world ' and so do these , so does the catholic religion , so does the muslim religion , so do hindu religion .Does that make them the truth ?
Please do not underestimate the manipulation that is applied to enforcing compliance with whatever the Governing Body imposes on their members .