by Terry 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    i'D LOVE to show this article to a JW and ask them to comment.


  • Zoos

    Mirror, mirror.

  • steve2

    Thanks Terry. An informative read that highlights many striking similarities with Watchtower publications - including even the terminology!

    Standouts are 1) leaders' blind weddedness to their personal opinions on what Scripture means and their reluctance to pry themselves from those opinions even in the overwhelming face of failure and 2) their special pleading that at least they're keeping Christ's return uppermost in mind and action.

    A witness would have to care - I mean REALLY care - about truth to be bothered to read the article. I doubt many would care. Besides, my hunch is that if a Witness felt pressured to read it, they'd be of the frame of mind that would find something - anything - in the article that is NOT similar to the Watchtower's views and simplistically declare that what happened to that man is deserved because he did not have the truth.

    As Paul Simon wearily observed in'The Boxer', "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest'. Still for those who do care about truth - in contrast to those who feel compelled to defend falsehoods - this is an encelent summation of the human tendency to force personal opinions on others as 'the truth'.

  • Terry

    I find it fascinating that men can't leave a perfect thing alone without peeing on it like a dog with a tree.

    What clergyman, preacher, religious leader can stifle the urge to interpret, expand, or otherwise attempt

    to amplify the textus receptus?

    There is a William Miller lurking in all these folks.

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