Talked to Two More Witnesses Today

by new light 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • new light
    new light

    It was the same booth as last week, with two different witnesses. Once again, I printed off the list of false prophecy quotes and walked up to them. I asked if they were aware of the organization's history of unrealized predictions. She literally said that she would read the list, but it would not change her viewpoint as "the light gets brighter." I explained how the organization manipulates and lies, how they blame the rank and file for setting dates, and a little more. Once again, they were very nice, thanking me for taking the time to do this. It was clear that they want the thing to be true so badly that no amount of fact will change anything. Critical thinking is simply not in their toolbox.

    At one point, I was asking why if JWs have the truth, then why is opposing literature so feared. Would not truth stand up to that with ease? Shouldn't a person make a fully informed decision? Right when I said that getting caught reading such things would result in being shunned, the older lady of the two, who was about 70, said she thought that was not the case. I looked at them and said we all know that is not true, I have seen it myself, you would be kicked out, etc. She stuck to it. I asked how long she has been a member and she said "I was baptized in 2006." I said "Well you have a lot to learn because people do get shunned for questioning too much" as nicely as possible. Of the two, she seemed to be the most lucid and it seemed like she at least learned something new from our conversation. I hope they read the list. I used up the last of my printing allowance making it.

  • Magnum

    If the 70-year-old has only been baptized since 2006, there is a whole lot she doesn't know. Maybe you did get her to think a little.

  • cultBgone

    new light, good for you! advancing the cause for truth is an awesome are truly doing life-saving work!

  • Crazyguy

    Maybe next time have the new light scripture ready and then read it to them. Then ask them what new light? its talking about someone becoming righteous?

  • JunkYardDog

    great work. jw's don't like persons that know more than them about the wt. you haVE easy pickins. i would keep using what ever makes you comfortacle on them.. when they use the light gets brighter on you. turn around and ask them " which of these false teachings was "proper food from jehovahs table at the proper time" once you get the hang of it . it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

  • new light
    new light

    Thanks for talking with me about this. One thing that stood out was the assumption they both had that I was hateful. Nothing in our conversation even remotely suggested me being this way, but the presupposition that "apostates" are full of hate was palpable. They both expressed feeling sorry for me and my pitiable condition. The older one, out of nowhere, said "I don't judge you" after all the evidence aginst the JWs had been laid out. These witness shells are tough to crack.

  • Phizzy

    " These witness shells are tough to crack." true, but you are doing well in getting through to them. You never know when what you have said and done will bear fruit.

    Nearly all of us on here were active JW's not so long ago, our shells were cracked.

    Keep up the great work !

  • Theredeemer

    As more time goes by I realize that speaking out against the Org or trying to talk to witnesses is pretty much for our own benefit. It really doesnt benefit them since they will just ignore it or make fun of us later.

    I feel that the Org itself will create enough reasons for people to start waking up. I dont have numbers or facts to back this statement up but I guesstimate that most of us left on our own, through our own personal revelations. Nobody showed me or planted a seed. I saw with my own eyes the stupidity of it all.

    Courage is what a person needs to leave something they held for so long to be true. Courage is what a person needs to leave, risking his relationship with his family. Courage is what a person needs to lose all his friends and ,what he thought were, accomplishments.

    It comes down to this: Are you bold enough to stand up for what you believe?

    Many witnesses have seen the final straw. They know its a sham but cannot pull themselves to do all of the above.

    For most, there is nothing that we can say or do that can have them take the plunge. Thats why, when I see witnesses I just smile and wave.

  • flipper

    NEW LIGHT- Great job of trying to give access of information to both these JW's. Very well done. I think many more of us need to do this when we are out and about and run into JW's. As you stated - Witnesses are told that we as ex-JW's are all " hateful " - it's a false propaganda inserted into their minds by the WT Society so it's good when we can offset the lies they are told about us. Thanks for sharing your experience ! Again- well done ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sir82

    Technically the old lady was right, you won't get shunned for reading "apostate literature".

    You will of course, be shunned as an "apostate" if you ever mention anything that you have read there to any other active JW.

    It's not the reading, it's the telling anyone else about it, that is the problem.

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