Is Greybeard Gregg Steven Blasingame Hemphill Cannabis Witness Crazy or what?
by Greybeard 7 Replies latest jw friends
Ok, enough of the advertising.
Dear Simon
With all due respect, I am confused, could you please explain to me what it is I have said that violates your rules on this forum? Just like blood transfusions is a huge issue among Jehovah Witness's, The right to take Cannabis as a medication is also a huge issue and getting larger among JWs and all religions. My fight is against hypocritical dictators who use double standards to control people and information. I thought we were on the same side to be honest, freedom fighters and truth seekers... but I recall your views on Cannabis so maybe that's the real issue here. Whatever the case, I thank you for this website and all the years of hard work you have put into it. I admire you for that and if I have violated any rule of yours it was by mistake and I apologize. It is clear you allow "advertising" on this website, is this a money issue?
At some point if someone is continually posting or promoting the same thing then it is no longer a discussion, it is advertising, possibly 'spam'.
Discussions are meant to be about some topic or other, not repeatedly promoting the same thing and, once one discussion has died down, starting a new one to promote it again.
My simple rule is: would this work if everyone did it?
No - if lots or even a few people did this regularly then it would ruin the forum as a forum and it's unfair to allow one person to do something but then stop others from doing the same.
but I recall your views on Cannabis so maybe that's the real issue here
You don't know my views but as it is not yet legal in most states and most countries it falls under 'promoting illegal activity and drug use', I hope to have a set of posting rules soon which are more comprehensive and clearer.
Right on Simon, thank you very much! Your a cool dude! I'll be more careful from now on and take a look at the rules. Again I apologize.
No problem - thanks for your understanding. It's always a hard distinction to make - individual posts may break no rules as such but I have to look at the bigger picture.
We've had people post about some injustice in china for instance which is fine. But if they post it every day or every week then at some point it becomes slightly disruptive.
I have no issue with discussions about legalization or medical benefits as long as they are dicsussions and not infomercials.
Greybeard - "Is Greybeard Gregg Steven Blasingame Hemphill Cannabis Witness crazy or what?"
With a name like that, how the hell is he not???
James Brown
Graybeard. I think you would be more successful on this site by just typing out various post
that you are talking about. State your feelings opinions and let others comment on them.
Maybe slide in a video from time to time.
That is the format here.
Make a youtube channel and find various ways to attract people to it.
I would think a lot of people would be interested in cannabis.
Make a facebook page and put your videos on it and try to find friends
Maybe myspace.
Good luck.