Seeing reality,JWs are "oddball crackpots...

by Liberty 9 Replies latest social current

  • Liberty

    After reading You Know's response to the Dateline expose' I was reminded of my own brain washing years ago while being raised as a JW. It seems so funny to me now but I too used to believe that we JWs were completely normal and that anyone who said otherwise was misinformed. When I finally removed myself from the Watchtower Society's influence reality slowly crept into my consciousness and the objective fact that JWs are "oddball crackpots" became clear and indisputable.

    As a JW I believed in a whole host of absolutely ridiculous and illogical idiocy. Some examples of these "crackpot" beliefs include thinking that powerful spirit beings like Satan and his demons would waste their time and energies on inhabiting old furniture, clothes, books, artwork, and toys on the off chance that they could then "demonize" someone who came across them. First off, why would spirit beings need to be inside an old toy or shawl? Couldn't they just demonize people on their own if such a thing were possible? Secondly, there is no evidence what-so-ever that demons exist at all. I've lived over 22 years now "without Jehovah's protection" and in that time I've seen 100s of horror films, slept next to a Ouija board, read all kinds of "demonic" books, listened to "Satanic" music, read the works of Satan worshipers, visited the homes of witches, practiced rituals in Pagan temples, tried Yoga and Martial Arts, and have visited many Catholic churches complete with idols but have yet to see or feel one strange thing that could even come close to being a demonic presence. NOT ONCE in 22 years have I seen any evidence that such beings exist. Belief in demons is an "oddball crackpot" thing. Modern rational people do not believe in demons nor do they plan their lives around their fears of old furniture and clothes. This belief alone is enough to prove that JWs are crackpots.

    Other wackey oddball things JWs believe include thinking that Jesus returned invisibly to rule in 1914. Why do they believe it, since it is all invisible and therefore without evidence? Well,because some guys said so and that's good enough for them. By the way, this nonevent proves that Armageddon will come in the life time of people who could understand the importance of the invisible and silent takeover by Jesus in 1914 so it could happen any day now even though it's been 88 years since it happened and even 10 year olds then would be 98 years old by now. Armageddon must be close because some guys said so, even though they've been wrong several times before, JWs believe them and make their live's plans around these important proven timescales. Oh, by the way, these guys might be wrong about which generation Jesus ment when he came to rule invisibly so it now means any generation that can't see Jesus ruling invisibly so the big "A" is still imminant. A Dateline show on TV about child molestation proves that the end must be near because it is persecution. So why again are JWs seen as oddball crackpots?

    JWs believe in a literal World Flood which occurred a few thousand years ago even though all evidence from all fields of science prove that such a thing was never possible. They really believe that culture and language diversity came about because God got mad at some folks for building a mud brick tower so He confused their language and scattered them around the world just a few thousand years ago even though common sense,logic, and anthropology all dispute this claim. Oh, I forgot that JWs also believe that angels lusted after human women and turned themselves into men so they could have sex with them and produce giant super beings as children. This must be true because Pagan stories confirm that this is possible. I wonder why worldly people think JWs are crackpots? I could go on but it would take several more pages to describe why JWs are considered oddballs as well as crackpots.

  • SYN

    FINALLY SOMEONE WHO THINKS LIKE ME! Yay! Nice post, Liberty. You hit the nail on the head, and yet, you didn't even the scratch the surface of their crackpottery. And all along when I was a Dub I thought we were RIGHT! That's the worst part. It's very embarrassing, isn't it?

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Varuna

    very good!
    (agreeing with post and also just checking to see if I remembered my password)

  • Liberty

    Thanks Syn,

    Yes, it is beyond embarrassing. I always wondered why folks looked at me like I was crazy back then as I "gave a good witness". Well, now I know. Because I was crazy! I can't believe I bought this crap. Even though I got myself out early I'm shocked that I was such a boob. Thank goodness for objective reality and the science used to understand it.


  • Billygoat

    I don't know about y'all, but I still think I'm crazy. Now I'm just proud of it! LOL! ((()))


  • ChiChiMama

    Chi chi, sitting in a large circle of other people suddenly stands up and says "I confess I was once an "oddball crackpot" JW. I am now a recovering "oddball crackpot XJW"

    Chichi takes her seat and looks around wondering if anyone else will come forward.


  • teenyuck

    Great thread....all true! I was/am a oddball crackpot! Whew, I feel better getting it off my chest!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    At least we didn't drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid. But I've often wondered, if they were given the choice, how many JW's would.

  • spero

    Good post Liberty...

    and dont forget the Smurfs!!

    The greatest threat to mankinds happiness and wellbeing in modern times.

    We oddball crackpots owe such a debt of gratitude to that wonderful organisation, for sharing such wisdom and insight with us.

    They never said anything about the Wombles though, which is rather worrying. Do you think we should post a "Question From Readers" to them ?????


  • anglise

    Welcome to the board Varuna and your first post.

    Yes most people do view the dubs as 'oddball crackpots' and therein lies the danger.
    They think they are just a harmless group, mainly consisting of old ladies and housewives with nothing else to do but knock on peoples door and leave their 'bible based'?? magazines.

    It can take years of being inside this organization to actually see how dangerous and evil it is, and so a programme such as dateline has hopefully brought to the attention of the public the real truth about these oddball people.

    'Nice but dim' would probably describe most of the r&f.The controlling powers behind them are evil, arrogant and totally manipulative of those who get caught up with them.

    What the general public doesnt know is that once you have been in their clutches you can never escape unscathed.

    All of us on this board who have left or are trying to leave bear the emotional scars that testify to this.


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