At what point in embryonic development does the soul develop?

by cantleave 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    I was reading about some amazing developments in our understanding and manipulation of pluripotent stem cells, for those interested I will post the link below.

    Whilst I was reading it a question came to me - do believers think that these cells contain a "soul"? When does the soul enter the the biological entity? Is it at the time of gamete production? Or at conception? Maybe when consciousness arises?

    I would love to hear opinions - in the meantime delight in the awesomeness of biological science........

  • blondie

    The WTS and some Christian groups believe that life begins at conception, when the sperm and egg unite. Thus the soul begins at that point.

  • cantleave

    That would be correct in WTS theology since they say the biological entity is the "living soul". What those that believe the soul is separable from the biology?

  • cliff

    Which of course gives rise to all sorts of dilemmas and nonsense about abortion (what happens to the created souls when the foetus auto-aborts, for example?), "limbo" etc.

  • ABibleStudent

    Doesn't a soul need a brain? According to the Mayo Clinic, the brain, spinal cord, and heart start forming in week 5.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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