Wow - Has this been on here before? (It's on Facebook)
by berrygerry 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I think this letter was in CoC
I wish I believed in Hell so I could want them to go there.
And of course they would condemn any other religion for doing the exact same thing.
Yes, the 1992 Murder Letter has been discussed several times here. When I typed it into the search feature there were several threads on it. When I saw it for the first time years ago, I was pretty shocked to. A lot of people are still shocked by it!
Ah, the proliferation of the internet.
God bless the DoD and their ingenious outlook. Asides from that, I have to read the fine print.
BERRYGERRY- Thanks for posting this. Once again this letter shows the disconnect between the WT leaders towards the law authorities of any country they are in. WT Society feels that the laws of the land do NOT apply to them when being required to report child abuse, murder, any crimes of substance they handle only as a congregation situation - not a breaking of Caesar's laws. It's one reason - among many that the WT Society IS a criminal organization itself
Oh my word that is one of the worst things I have ever read! These people are totally disgusting.