Howdy Lee,
major reaction among some JWs - especially sisters.
No doubt. Being a previous sister, I can appreciate that reaction. We were told to be silent, sit still, go there, come here, and hold our children and cry with them. I KNOW sisters (I was one of them) who whisper to each other about their raped children.
Being more outspoken than some, I had several sisters call me to ask if I would speak with another sister who's child had been raped and the elders didn't do anything. One boy was repeatedly raped by a brother and he finally killed himself - about 5 years ago in North Carolina. A friend of mine asked if I would talk to her. I agreed, but the sister wouldn't come, just too much pain.
We carry that crap around and try to smile and live with the platitude, "Go out in service more, pray, be faithful at the meetings. Pour your heart out to Jehovah." SO WHAT!!!!!! Nothing takes away from the memory of your child raped by your "New mother, new father, new brothers and sisters" as we shunned our worldly ones by becoming a JW in a Spiritual Paradise.
One in the congregation who had been raped when very young (not a JW at the time) was nearly hysterical to learn that this
kind of thing went on in the organization.
Yeah, so was I - only I learned about it AFTER my daughter was molested by a brother raping his own daughter for years.
This is a bitterness that some jw parents will have to feel one day - to have trusted the organization which put itself on the same level as Almighty God........and have your child raped. And there's little you can do - perhaps that'll change if the WTBTS is forced to change. Can't afford to lose that money like after 1975, eh?