What's the difference?

by Scully 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Scully

    During the course of the Dateline segment, it was said that Manuel Beliz denied "molesting and raping" Erica, but admitted to "inappropriate touching".

    What, if any, is the difference between molesting and touching inappropriately??

    Just curious

    Love, Scully

  • Quotes

    I wondered the same thing, and can only conclude that this is a "distinction without a difference" -- at least to you and me.

    Perhaps, to Beliz and others of his ilk, it makes a big difference to dodge the "mollesting and raping label" bullet and instead take only the mental bruise caused by the label "inappropriate touching".

    I can see him now: "What, I only touched her. It was nothing. Its not like they found me guilty of rape or anything! Maybe that's how his mind operates... but it is obvious to us already that his mind doesn't operate like a normal person's.

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: http://Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com

  • Imbue

    I think only an attorney for can really answer that question. There is one around if he will come out.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • waiting

    AlanF talked about the significance of words pertaining to child molestation some time ago. In fact, child molestation doesn't sound nearly as bad as a child rapist, eh?

    Molestation can be anything from a pat on the butt to digital penetration - which is one of the points he brought out. And there's a world of difference to the victim and the victimizer on what he actually does.

    Being no lawyer, I would think there would be a much lesser liability involved for "inappropriate touching" than some of the other things which can be imagined, such as rape. And it sounds so much less harmful, don't you think?

    Many people, jw and otherwise, don't like to think about what really happens to a child when molested. They much prefer the whitewashed version.


  • Been there
    Been there

    This brings to mind certain former president who didn't inhale, and a few years later "Define Sex". Sound familiar?


  • abbagail

    There is no difference between inappropriate touching and molesting. The words mean the same thing. Now rape v. inappropriate touching, obviously, are two different things, but equally as damaging to the one being abused (the physical damage may be temporary/will heal, but the damage to the psyche is another matter altogether and one which people don't necessarily comprehend, i.e., the abusive acts, whether molesting or rape, completely shatters the child's sense of self/identity, boundaries, and trust, all of which can have very nasty long term after-effects).

    I would bet my life on the fact the man is lying through his cowardly teeth. Sexual predators do that. It's how they justify what they do. Recently I saw on TV a group of sexual predators/pedophiles in a group therapy session (faces blocked out, of course), describing how they "think" and how they "talk to themselves" about what they do. It is an extreme rarity for one to "confess" before being caught; and even when "caught," they will still lie thru their teeth to minimize what they have done/are doing (how could they live with themselves if they "named it and claimed it"? - to borrow a Dr. Phil phrase).

    True example of how the predators lie: Had the occasion to confront a pervert relative on behalf of siblings who didn't have the guts. He played down EVERYTHING as if it was no big deal at all (contrary to the reports I got first-hand from my siblings). The perv even went so far as to say, "Oh, well, I only walked in on so-and-so while they were undressing... that's all..." (This calls to mind the saying that it is easier to tell a lie if it is part truth.)

    When I hear how the JWs cannot believe these things happen, and see TV shows, again and again, with parents in shock that it could happen to their families, I wonder, because for well over 10 years there have been excellent shows/documentaries en masse on the subject, so there's no reason for anybody to still be in the dark about sex abuse, what to watch out for, how to spot it in your own children, it's after-effects, etc. If people never read a book or a mag, there's enough educational TV about it to make "easy learning."

    "Let your Pain be your Pulpit. Let your Mess be your Mission." Amen.


    Girl Raised In The South

  • Farkel


    : During the course of the Dateline segment, it was said that Manuel Beliz denied "molesting and raping" Erica, but admitted to "inappropriate touching".

    : What, if any, is the difference between molesting and touching inappropriately??

    In the first example, Beliz comes across as a scumbag, predatory, pedophile asshole, whereas in the second example he only comes accross as a scumbag, predatory, pedophile asshole.

    Hope that helps.


  • Sunspot

    "Manuel Beliz denied "molesting and raping" Erica, but admitted to "inappropriate touching".

    Hi Scully,

    Apparently, JWs hearing the charges of "molesting and raping" would audibly gasp and appear to be disgusted.

    OTOH, JWs hearing Beliz admit to "inappropriate TOUCHING", would shrug and say, "that was ALL?"

    Carol Burnett used to do a spoof on soap operas...one was called, "As The Stomach Turns", which pretty well sums up MY feelings about Beliz, his attitude, and his supporters.....



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