Is not Judicial Committees directly against Matthew 7?

by runForever 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • runForever

    I was just doing a little research in this where it says "Do not be Judging." in matthew.

    It looks like the connotation here is not judging if someone is doing right or wrong but judging the person themselves in a certain way.

    Such as reviewing all their actions and nitpicking them down. Reducing people down to what they do and then pronouncing a judgement upon them.

    Over and over again.

  • Crazyguy

    Problem is that the ones who wrote the letters that were credited as being written by Paul contradicted the writers who wrote the character of Jesus. But hey that nothing new because the writers of the character named Jesus had him say things that directly contradicted his father. The more one studies these things the more one realizes the bible is a big giant cluster Fu*ked book with over 100 contradictions. Did you know that jesus was born in Bethlehem and Galilee, yep. How so?, I don't know but hey its an inspired book right..

  • Phizzy

    The first birth was so good, he did it again.

    The Judicial Committee is not found in the N.T to my knowledge ??

  • Tenacious
    The Judicial Committee is not found in the N.T to my knowledge ??

    Yeah, I don't believe it's scriptural. I'll be researching to confirm but I'm pretty certain it's not.

  • Vidiot

    Phizzy - "The Judicial Committee is not found in the NT to my knowledge ??"

    Kangaroo courts with no representation for the accused, and inherent bias in virtually every aspect?

    "Trial by fire" in the Middle Ages almost sounds more "Biblical".

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