I feel bad that I was not able to let my kids enjoy christmas. I think it has alot to do with how you were raised. For some I know christmas was not that big a deal. But for some like me, christmas was magical. I'm so glad I was not raised a jehovahs w. Sorry. I'm sure some who were raised in it had a good child hood. This world we live in can become a living night mare. Let kids enjoy somthing realy fun while they are young. My wife thinks santa is the devil. Whats wrong with an imagination? I think it's very heathly to realy belive things like this. I was told when I started studying. If you tell your kids santa is real, and then they find out later he is not. What will they think when you tell them to belive in God? What a bunch of kill joys, party poops. I'm sure we have all heard ones say.. We don't need a date to give our kids gifts. We can do it all year. But most don't. You don't need christmas. You get to knock on doors! Sorry for being long winded. Venting.
by venting 6 Replies latest social entertainment
You mentioned two words that I've often used regarding Christmas - "magical" and "imagination".
I celebrated Christmas when I was growing up, and it was wonderful. I loved everything about it. I loved the togetherness of the family, all the decorations, the smells, the stories, the winter scenes, the music, the TV specials, the hustle and bustle, the scenes depicted on the old Christmas cards, etc. Our entire house smelled liked our pine Christmas tree, and I hated to take it down each year; I didn't want the season to be over.
I think it's very heathly to realy belive things like this
I do, too. To this day, I get a really nostalgic feeling about Christmas. It was a magical time. The stories of Santa, the reindeer, the elves, etc. stimualted my imagination as a child. I think such stimulation is good. I have a vivid imagination, probably at least in part due to stimulation as a child. I believe that children whose imaginations are not stimulated grow up to be less happy.
JWs used to say that it was damaging (lying) to tell children there was a Santa Claus. Well, my parents told me that Santa was real, and it didn't damage me in the least; I don't resent it at all. It's the lie that JWs told me (panda-petting paradise lie) that damaged me. It sent me on a life of suffering and deprivation and caused me to not plan for the future, so I have no retirement and will have to work hard until I drop - with no time to explore life and satisfy my vivid imagination that was in part stimulated by my experience with the magical holiday of Christmas.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Let's compare:
A) Tell children there is a Santa, and later they find out the presents came from Mom and Dad instead.
B) Tell the children that Armageddon is so close that they'll never graduate from school, get a job, get married, raise a family. Then when the kid is about 40 he finally realizes the WT was completely full of lies and he decides to leave it all behind and finally get a degree and career, then decide at this late date if he still wants to get married and have a family.
I'm living option B. In retrospect, I would have chosen option A. If I decide to have my own kids, I'm going to take my chances on option A with them.
Billy, well said!
breakfast of champions
Love your comment BILLYTEB!
I am living both A and B. I have absolutely no difficulty with A, no more than I have difficulty with the Tooth Fairy or Scooby Doo not being real.
You think she's doin' sign language to the King Dumb Hole??