Some seemed disappointed

by drahcir yarrum 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    While the majority of post Dateline comments were positive there have been a few comments by some who seemed a little let down. I guess perhaps they understandably expected enough earth shattering information to be exposed on Dateline to cause Kingdom Hall burnings.

    I don't know if there will ever be anything that emerges publicly that will cause JW cult followers to leave en masse. But since the WTS is built upon converting one person or one family at a time, I'm satisfied for it to be weakened one person or family at a time.

    In the early 1980's my father, who was a huge defender of the Witnesses, a true believer, began to have some subtle things that bothered him about the way elders were dealing with congregation members and some of the double lifestyles that many JW's were leading.
    He took the attitude initially that Jehovah would clear all things up and well, if this wasn't the truth, where were we to turn? He became aware of married Witness "sisters" who were performing oral sex on one of his non-JW business partners in the office. He also began to question the way the typical JW seemed to want to get as much as possible for free and not pay other Witnesses for goods and services provided. In other words, take advantage of them because they were Witnesses.

    But whenever we would discuss these things, he would always come back to the same old saw that "Jehovah will correct things in his own time." To shorten this story up with a point, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, he began to see ads on cable television that Ray Franz, former JW governing body member was going to be on a show called the John Ankerberg show. One night he was up late and while channel surfing came across the interview that Ankerberg had with Ray Franz. (By the way, he knew Ray personally and had heard from other prominent JW's that Ray had been disfellowshiped for apostacy, etc., etc. So as a result of seeing that Ray wasn't a mean spirited, vindictive, evil slave nutball, he began to open his mind to possibilities of thought that he had never before entertained. Like someone testing the stability of an icy pond, he would discuss little snippets with me and express his concerns. He asked me if, he would order Crisis of Conscience and have it sent to me, would I read it and let him know if there was anything to it? Since I was then living with my fiance, a non-Witness, what did I have to lose? I think you can guess my reaction when I had read it.

    The point of this is, those cable episodes of John Ankerberg exposed a handful of JW's to Ray Franz and Crisis of Conscience. It may not have immediately pushed them through the door, but over time it had a dramatic impact on many former WT slaves. So will this Dateline expose on child molestation. It has planted small seeds of doubt in the minds of people who don't even overtly acknowlege it right now. But the seed is planted and other things will start to bother them until finally they realize that it is all just one big lie. I know, because I saw it with my father, my sister and quite a few others in the early 80's.

  • DakotaRed

    I, for one, expected pretty much exactly what was shown. I doubt it will cause the Watchtower to fall or the public to rise up against them. It will, however, awaken some to the dangers of the present methods of dealing with things they are not qualified too.

    Just becuase someone knows scriptures doesn't make him a people person or a qualified counselor. That takes much professional training. None of these pedophiles should be freely walking around the towns they live in, especially going door to door.

    What was done to Carl and Barbara Pandela and Barbara Anderson is so grossly uncalled for an unfair, that it makes me angry at them for treating them this way. How very unchristian of the Watchtower to conduct itself in this manner. I imagine Bill Bowen will get his letter of DFing in absentia next, the cowardly way to do it, I think.

    Personally, although I disagree with a lot of what the Watchtower teaches, I really don't have that big a problem with them overall, other than the mistreatment I received at their hands. Their theology is their business and the way they want to conduct themselves too, so long as innocent people aren't hurt by it. But, innocents have been hurt and they should strive to address that, not sweep it under the rug.

    In my personal opinion, if they desire to cointinue being treeated like a legitimate religion, then should start acting like a legitimate religion, not some high control cult. Will they institute needed changes? I doubt it. At least not until the helm falls to others that see the need for them to come out of the dark ages and start treating the rank and file members as Jesus' little sheep and not just pawns to push their literature.

  • Marilyn

    drahcir yarrum, I enjoyed your story. I haven't seen the Dateline program yet, as I live in Australia. I never expected it to be earth shattering. Those who are deeply under the jw spell, will not rationalise the information in the normal way. But those who are having problems with doubts will have to add it to their too hard basket to be delt with eventually. I know for my own situation, which took place in the late 70's, I tried to live with the doubts for a long time, until they completely overwhelmed me. I'm sure the program will help some witnesses - and too bad for the rest! :-(


  • TweetieBird

    I have to agree with you Richard on it being subtle bits of info that will eventually erode one's faith in the borg. However, the reaction from die-hard witnesses has been a surprise to me.

    So far, for the one's that watched it, the comments have been, "disturbing that these things go on in Jehovah's organization," or "I was deeply upset by the show, I wished I hadn't watched." The reason the person wished they hadn't watched was because now the picture-perfect ideal of the organization has been tarnished.

    I only wished that my mother had seen it and I really wished I had taped it. Rich, if you taped it, let me know.

    "It is not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

    -Woody Allen-

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    In restrospect, I think the results validated the network's decsion to leave out the Steve Hassan portion in favor of focusing on the emotional trauma of he victims. The presentation came across as scrupulously fair and compassionate.

    I thought the Society's refusal to send a high-level GB spokesperson to defends its policies came off as cowardly and extremely damaging to its claim of being courageous champions of true worship.
    Brooklyn's foot-dragging (six months) to supply just two case histories to illustrate its contention that it does inform civil authorities, and the fact that in both instances, the perpetrators were non-JWs and the victims JWs, left a distinct imoression that the Society was both duplicitous and insulting to the intelligence of both the viewer and teh program's correspondents.

    Then too, the taped conversation with Brooklyn Legal and its advice to ``leave the matter to Jehovah'' was very embarassing, perhaps even the most damning piece of evidence.

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