Is it possible for the elders to show you your cards for the past 10+ years etc? Do they have a list of everything you have done too?
Getting your cards to view personally?
by world 6 Replies latest jw friends
Do they contain the scores of random acts of kindness I have been pleased to do for people of many races.
Do they have the way ive kept the house in good shape on a v. limited budget
Do they contain that i have never been unfaithful (I have had offers !)
Do they have the sad situation at the kh where windows were never opened one month to the next
Perhaps they have the experiences ive had sitting with the dying as they past this world
any guesses?
Zeb makes a good point. They don't show anything you have done except for how many magazines and books and hours and return visits you did over time, and whether you are an anointed one or other sheep.
I forget how far back they go, but they will show it to you if you ask. Expect a shepherding visit to see it, and for them to say how fine you are doing or how you could do better.
would they show you the confidential file attached to it? the letters of passage from one area to another?
Ask jwfacts re his experiences in getting his confidential files and records!
Officially, any member of the cong has the right to see his publisher record practice though the reality is different.
Elders will be suspicious of most requests for this access....and you will end up drawing attention to yourself....
so, ask yourself..."do I REALLY Need to see these cards?"
*** km 10/98 p. 7 par. 3 Overseers Taking the Lead—The Secretary ***
3 Since the secretary must send the congregation’s monthly field service report to the Society by the sixth of the month, it is imperative that all of us report our field activity promptly at the end of each month. He then posts the service reports on the Congregation’s Publisher Record cards. Any publisher may ask to see his personal record of activity.
*** km 8/91 p. 3 par. 10 Planting and Watering—Steps Toward Making Disciples ***
10 You may find it beneficial to look at your Congregation’s Publisher Record card and take note of the number of books, booklets (including brochures), and magazines you placed during the past 12 months. Were those placements an end in themselves? Or did you go beyond the step of planting? Of those individuals who showed enough interest to take some of our literature, how many did you promptly contact again? Did you return to see if the seed you planted had sprouted? Did you follow through with needed watering and then pray to Jehovah to make it grow?
*** w11 11/15 p. 29 par. 5 Train Others to Reach Out ***
5 Like Jesus, Christian elders today befriend and help others. They cultivate a warm, close relationship with their fellow believers by taking time to show personal interest in them. While elders recognize the importance of confidentiality, they are not secretive. Elders trust their brothers and share with them Scriptural truths they themselves have learned.
Would they hand me my publisher card if I had a shredder right at my side?