
by Bendrr 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Bendrr

    I guess everyone's speculating on the reaction of the WTS to last night's Dateline. Seen a few reactions posted here so far, but nothing to indicate what the GB is going to do about it.
    I think the average r&f dubs are going to have a far more adverse reaction than many think. While the face put on to the public and to people like us may say "apostate attack", the private personal reaction we don't see is the one to consider.
    How can this not cast doubt in all but the most hardcore dub?
    Just how many JW's could this program reach?
    Let's consider the statistics that we have been presented with of the possible number of pedophiles in the ranks of dubs. Even if we reduced that number to say 75%, that leaves thousands of victims, plus victims' family members who know about the abuse, plus congregation elders who know of the Dateline cases and other cases, and likely other JW's who know of cases. That's one hell of a lot of "Witnesses".
    The most important thing is that now they know they are not alone, that the abuse is not unique to their own congregation. Needless to say, they definitely know!
    The backlash is going to be pretty harsh.
    What is Brooklyn's response going to be?
    I'm expecting something along the lines of the Ray Franz incident. They're going to spin it to the r&f as an apostasy. Those who do speak out, victims and concerned non-victims alike, will be met with an "inquisition". Doubtless, there will be a high number of disfellowshippings for "apostasy". Oops, excuse me, "causing divisions". Also, expect some pretty hard-line Watchtower study articles about apostasy. Maybe a special talk very soon at a Sunday meeting and no doubt some pretty hard-line talks at this summer's district conventions.
    I would also expect that now the Society will begin to take an even more direct stance against internet use, probably adding it to the ever-popular list of "unofficial but just as damning" don'ts with even more df'ings over internet use to follow.
    Another hardliner crackdown has been long overdue. Hours are down and so is growth. There's going to be some interesting meetings at the local KH's in the near future for sure!



  • CaptainSchmideo

    I got to thinking, regarding the above comment about hard-line talks on the subject at this years convention. My thinking was, "How can they have a talk in particular about the Dateline show, when the Convention program is already in the can (so to speak)?"

    Then I realized, since when does the body of a talk have to have any relationship to its theme. Considering that most themes at convention talks are so general, they could be used for any kind of talk. "Loyalty to Jehovah", "Keep Doing What is Right", "Are You Being Faithful in What is Least?", etc. Any one of these themes (and, Boy, don't They sound familiar?) could be used for anything from Not Listening to Apostates to Volunteering for pre-Convention Cleanup.

    I mean, it's not like the majority in the audience is actually matching the talk to the theme. Most of us, if asked what any talk was about, could safely cover our butt and say "It was about Jehovah and The Kingdom". (or my favorite, "It was about 45 minutes long.")

    Of course, there is always the DO's closing comments, slated for 40 minutes, usually lasts 55. I guess that is where they could squeeze in the more "timely" info...

    "I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the Universe."- Jango Fett

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I am sure the WT will ignore the issue and hope it goes away. They will probably give some talk on the dangers of the Internet and apostates. I am sure they are already planning some counter attack as we speak. The problem is they are living in the 19th century and the tried and true methods they have fallen back will not work on the majority of dubs.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • SloBoy

    Interesting thread.......makes me think of previous post about the diffent stages of a cult's demise. In the p.r. race, they may have sat a bit too long on their laurels. The hare couldn't catch the tortoise.

  • Francois

    Hi Mike,

    Remember our conversations about C.B. Mitchell? Just discovered that he's gone on to that great Kingdom Hall in the sky. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

    I'm back in Atlanta now, so next time you come up from Macon, let'd get together for lunch or something.


  • Bendrr

    Hi Frank!
    Sorry to hear about C.B.......NOT!

    I may just have to head up your way sometime.



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