Your own organization uses prophetic patterns to the hilt (see the "Survival" book).
Well following their lead now go and read the Old Testament (that's the Hebrew Scriptures in your New World Translation). Look up the accounts of ISRAEL......then take a look at the prophetic pattern in Galatians 6.... "ISRAEL of GOD".....AKA the the 144,000 - right? (per their own interperetation).
Well when ISRAEL let their children pass through the fire what happened? Didn't God let the NATIONS (non-believers) beat the crap out of them? Take a look at the city of AI. When Aachen was deceitful...AI beat the crap out of ISRAEL.
WELL....the current ISRAEL OF GOD is passing their children through the fire by means of their current policies surrounding abuse. They are decitful in their defense.
And us non-believers (the 6 billion as part of Satan's world, who lie in the power of the wicked one) are getting ready to beat the crap out of you.
Praise Jah with me!!! He is so Great. Thank him for allowing the Faithful and Discreet Slave to dispense food at the proper time and teach us how prophetic patterns apply.
You Know Jack$..T!!