Big Eyes Movie Article

by jerryjax99 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • jerryjax99

    Hey everyone, I am new here to the site and wanted to share this article along with a personal experience with her.

    I was able to meet Margaret Keane in Pittsburgh, PA at the Corapolis congregation back around 2002 or so. She was traveling with another sister visiting PA and wound up meeting our current PO at the time and he invited her to the congregation to share her story after the service meeting. I was young at the time and thought it was amazing to meet her as I enjoyed the art. She mentioned that at first they all looked sad due to the world's state of affairs (how nothing would ever get better). Then as she learned the JW life they children now had "hope" and they became happy.

    Now that I look back on it and even with this movie...those kids will be back to sad or hell even mad due to them having NOTHING to look forward too!

  • ctrwtf

    Heard an NPR piece on this film a couple of days ago. My sister was given one of these originals and I'd imagine its worth something. She proudly displays it and tells anyone who asks that Margaret is a wit. Who cares? My personal opinion is that it's art like the 70's fiber optic lamps were "art." Factory line, kitschy and over-hyped are words that come to mind.

    The film's getting pretty good reviews though. I'm sure as a personal interest story that it is a tale worth telling. How she let her husband take credit (and money) for her work, to me, is telling about the mind-set of someone who gets involved with a cult that suppresses the value of women.

    I'd definitely see it just to watch the performances of Christoph Waltz and Amy Adams.

  • kairos
    Going to see it tomorrow
  • mikeypants
    I'm seeing it tomorrow with a group of witnesses in balboa park. 
  • rebel8

    Welcome to the forum.

    Am I the only one who finds the story suspect? She says the reason she came forward is because dubs don't lie.

    Look, I'm all for a domestic violence survivor standing up for herself and taking credit for her own work. credit dubs seems so disingenuous. It's just a reason to credit the society where credit is NOT due, and to use the media to witness to others. Nothing more.

    • Dubs do not believe in, or teach, that women should oppose men. Yeah, I know he was an evil nonbeliever and all that, but those of you who've been in since the 70s or before must admit there is at least a covert discouragement of this type of behavior. Even for nonbelievers. I have never seen or heard any indication the society encourages women to stand up for themselves in this sort of situation.
    • Dubs do not believe in notoriety, putting oneself in a place of fame or adoration, etc. Jesus, we couldn't even say the word 'adorable' because of it. It's creature worship according to their doctrine. I know of exactly zero teachings saying you should speak out to get credit for your work in this situation.

    She's just using the society as a prop here. JMHO

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