I'm not trying to hijack anything, but I just thought it was worth drawing any visitors-to-the-board's attention to the U.N.Scandal.So they cannot write off the paedophile issue as 'human failing', and realise that there is something deeply wrong here. I hope my point is getting across here, I am not trying to minimise the paedophile issue at all, it is truly horrendous! and my heart goes out to all victims.I believe any JWs whose blind faith in the GB might have been tweaked lately should also know the truth about the U.N. thing, that's all.Thanks. Meaty.
Let's not forget the U.N. scandal...
by meat pie 4 Replies latest jw friends
No doubt! here is one link for UN hypocrisy:
But wait! There's more! JW false prophecies!
Hope your following your own thread, MeatPie.
I wouldn't normally ask, but would you mind emailing me?
UN - http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69/
UN - http://www.freeminds.org Click on "United Nations Scandal".
I also think "Quotes" has an excellent piece on this as well.