But wait . . . THERE'S MORE!

by revdrjohnson 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • revdrjohnson

    From the July-August issue of "My Generation" an AARP publication:

    "In October 2001, 91 plaintiffs in their late 20s and early 30s filed a $400 million lawsuit in a Texas district court against more than a dozen HARE KRISHNAtemples and organizations and many former leaders of the movement. The suit alleges that horrendous sexual and physical abuse occured in at least 8 of 11 Hare Krishna boarding schools in the 1970s and 80s." (p. 38 -- emphasis mine)
    on the previous page the author speculates that:

    "Just 35 years old, and without the resources and history of the Catholic Church, the Hare Krishna movement may never recover"

    Keep the Faith


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