E Mail about Dateline Errors

by NikL 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • NikL

    This may have been posted already. If so I am sorry.
    I received this e mail tonight. It seems to be making the rounds among JWs.
    I have no idea who Hans Bluehs is but the letter reads as follows...

    If you go to WWW.jw-media.org you will see that brothers statement
    exactly as it was said on the program. He was indeed representing the
    society in this regard.
    Hans Bluehs wrote:

    I agree with your view-carpe diem.The program was informative for us
    a servants of Jehovah. The young lady (Garza) may be a victim as
    indicated by the court of the land, however her statements about the
    elders views do not have the ring of truth. No elder I have ever served
    with or have ever known would state that going to the police to report a
    criminal offense would be df'd. There is no such offense for df'ing no
    matter how far between the lines you read. It would be improper for any
    of us to question a judicial committee decision as to whether they acted
    too leniently or extended mercy to a degree beyond which seems
    appropriate. However we can rest assured that Jehovah will correct
    matters without fail and in a timely fashion. It would seem that the
    response from the legal committee member may have been taken out of
    context, or that the brother involved spoke out of line with the
    official position of the society. The other point that lacked a ring of
    truth was that a sister would be involved at Bethel with researching
    judicial files to ascertain a statistical pattern. Sisters are not
    involved in judicial matters at any level in Jah's organization. Yes we
    may face some questions due to this program, however we can stand
    upright and in full confidence that our God Jehovah has not allowed a
    cover-up. It is possible that brothers or elders have not acted
    properly, however this does not detract from the purpose we serve our
    God. That is to honor and praise him. Hans

  • Realist

    that is most likely the standpoint of 99.9% of all witnesses.
    what is the reasonable explanation that a woman was reviewing these files???

  • NikL

    She was obviously a headstrong woman looking into things that were not her business to see. One can see how her rebelious attitude led her to leave Gods wonderful organsiation ;-)

  • Scorpion

    Hans and others of his kind can write all the letters they want, this does not change the issue that children have been molested within the realm of the WT and that many of these molestations were not reported to the authorities.


  • Francois

    The poster said, "It is possible that brothers or elders have not acted properly, however this does not detract from the purpose we serve our God."

    Isn't such an attitude tantamount to hitching up a bull and an ox in the same traces? Mixing two different kinds of threads in a loom? If the WTBTS is led by GAWD, then shouldn't ALL of its pronouncements be 100% squeaky clean and correct?

    Aren't we here witnessing a witness straining out a gnat and gulping down a camel?


  • JT

    This is indeed the most important statement in that thread:

    "It would be improper for any of us to question a judicial committee decision as to whether they acted too leniently or extended mercy to a degree beyond which seems appropriate"


    when i showed this to some of the folks here at work they just shook their heads as i told them they type of men who make up a typical judical committee.

    Fred the "Cheese Cracker Guy" you see in Sam's Club at the front door.

    they found it amazing that jw would not dare question any decision of a judical committee and as i explained to them that is why it is so hard to help them

    they merely accept whatever they are told

    "If President Nixon Said it , then it must be true for he wouldn't lie"
    is the mindset

  • Farkel

    That "Hans" character is a dimb-bulb:

    : I agree with your view-carpe diem.The program was informative for us a servants of Jehovah.

    It didn't shock or stun. It didn't sicken. It was merely "informative." This guy has no blood in his veins.

    : The young lady (Garza) may be a victim as
    indicated by the court of the land,

    Yeah, "courts of the land" consider children raped by adults to be "victims." Too bad your scum-bag religion has different standards than that.

    : however her statements about the elders views do not have the ring of truth.

    You wouldn't know the "ring of truth" if it bit you in the ass, Hans. You're a dub, aren't you? Your religion was founded on lies and continues to be perpetrated on lies. What in the world would you know about truth, then?

    : No elder I have ever served with or have ever known would state that going to the police to report a criminal offense would be df'd.

    Gee, with 80,000 elders in the USA alone, I'm sure your single opinion and single experience carries enough weight to make you qualify for the "broad, sweeping generalization."

    : There is no such offense for df'ing no matter how far between the lines you read.

    Sure there is. If a rape victim accuses a dub of the crime and cannot produce two witnesses, doesn't get justice from the dub judicial system and reports it to the police, dubs call it "slander" and THAT is a Dfing offense.

    Besides that, SO WHAT? Ray Franz was df'd for an offense that wasn't a df'ing offense at the time, either. Many people have been df'd for made-up shit by the elders.

    : It would be improper for any of us to question a judicial committee decision as to whether they acted too leniently or extended mercy to a degree beyond which seems appropriate.

    You are wrong. It is for the VERY SAME reason that judicial committees are closed and the evidence is kept secret that those same elders can make up any shit they want to df someone. That's why they do it, you nitwit. They do it because they can and do get away with it.

    : However we can rest assured that Jehovah will correct
    matters without fail and in a timely fashion.

    Yes, Jehovah wants more kids to be raped before he gets around to it. My mother told me stories about child-raping pedophile elders in her congregations 45 years ago who also got away with it. What's with this "Jehovah" who can even be bothered to "correct" these matters?

    : It would seem that the response from the legal committee member may have been taken out of
    context, or that the brother involved spoke out of line with the
    official position of the society.

    Our analyst genius here uses "seems" and "may" to make his nonexistent arguments. And he's a fool if he's stupid enough to think the WTS legal aren't going to speak the party line. Hell, they MAKE the party line. What a dope he is.

    :The other point that lacked a ring of truth was that a sister would be involved at Bethel with researching judicial files to ascertain a statistical pattern. Sisters are not involved in judicial matters at any level in Jah's organization.

    Another false argument. Researching is not being "involved" in judicial matters. He's making it seem as if she made judicial decisions which she didn't. That's a strawman if I ever saw one.

    : Yes we may face some questions due to this program, however we can stand upright and in full confidence that our God Jehovah has not allowed a cover-up.

    As long as people will believe the idiotic shit he spewed, he is correct.

    : It is possible that brothers or elders have not acted properly, however this does not detract from the purpose we serve our God. That is to honor and praise him.

    "Our brothers covered up child rape and we protected the rapists and punished the victims, but that doesn't detract from our purpose of honoring Jehovah."



  • AngryXJW

    My JW relatives are repeating pretty much these same lines of BULLSHIT.

    However, non-JWs are repeating the exact opposite, i.e., that DATELINE DID HAVE "the ring of truth".

    At some point, the XJW Community must realize that the brain-dead/washed majority of WATCHTOWER CULT members will still be defending the WTS at the very time that Christ returns and is kicking their asses.

    Our efforts should be directed at their potential converts, as well as those liberal Church Ministers/Pastors who now sympathize and consider JWs to be "their poor, misled fellow Christian brethren".

  • NeverJoinedTheBorg

    Hello all!!

    I agree with y'all about this crazy statement from this guy 'Hans'.

    But one weird thing I really did not like about what the Dateline guy said close to the beginning of the segment:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses are Evangelical Christians..."


    If you really want to get technical about the definition of the term 'Evangelical Christian', we can say that yes, JWs do 'evangelize' for their religion, but I think we all understand that they are definately NOT Christians.

    Of corse they say that, "we preach the one true Christianity..." and boast that, "we are the only Christians approved by GOD..." blah, blah, blah, blah... But I think we all understand that we cannot take them seriously when we see their shallow reasoning, uneducated scholorship, shotty opinions, unquestioned dedication to a human built organization, erronious translation of the Bible, TOTALLY FREAKY 'new light' or 'light getting brigher' explaining random changes in teaching, etc. etc. JWs CAN NOT be defined as 'Evangelical Christians' by ANY possible understanding of that term.

    Some here may disagree, or not even care about this term at this point after being treated so horribly by the org. And understandably so. I've talked to many people that don't even want to have anything to do with the term 'Christian' after their experience with the WT. I can sympathyze, and I'm certainly not trying to start an argument.

    Anyway, I may be preaching to the choir here...

    Mostly I'm concerned about how the JWs may get thrown into the mix of every other faith that claims to be 'Evangelical Christian', for better or worse (but mostly worse). That deeply disturbs me.

    Apart from that, I think the Datline segment hit the bull's-eye!! I thought they did an awesome job at exposing the child abuse issues. Truly a home run for the victims and their families, as well as the rest of the JW community that needs to start thinking!!

    Keep being the salt eveyone!! :)


  • Sunspot

    Hans said,

    "It is possible that brothers or elders have not acted properly, however this does not detract from the purpose we serve our God. That is to honor and praise him."


    It's late. I'm dealing with personal matters that require intense research and proven documentation (not JW related). I'm tired. I clicked on JWD to see the "latest" on here, and click even further when I see my personal "faves" posts, in this case........Farkel.

    I hafta admit he was right on target echoing MY feelings regarding your thoughts, Hans.

    NOW I would like to add how one of your comments struck me, and how I question the (JW) reasoning on how all the pieces "fit together" so smoothly and deceptively......

    With "Reptition For Emphasis" as my guide;

    "It is possible that brothers or elders have not acted properly, however this does not detract from the purpose we serve our God. That is to honor and praise him."

    Answer THIS please, Hans;

    HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT BROTHERS OR ELDERS HAVE NOT ACTED PROPERLY? You believe that the "Elders" are appointed by "Holy Spirit" in the direction of the Congregations, right? And Jehovah, being perfect in spirit and mind, does NOT make mistakes.......especially in matters where sheeplike and honest-hearted ones are concerned.....

    How in the hell can you say this with a straight face? It's POSSIBLE that the Elders acted improperly???? Which strongly indicates that it is THEN "possible" that HAVE acted IMPROPERLY???

    My GOD, man, WAKE UP!!!! You CAN'T have it both ways!!

    THINK about how flimsy your reasoning IS!!!!!!

    HOW can you CONTINUE to defend the "They are appointed by Jehovah and have Jehovah's direction in matters, but they are imperfect men" nonsense?

    I get SO frustrated at this cockamamy logic.

    Great post, Farkel. Wish I had your wit......


    Annie...who is burning the candle at both ends AND has used up the midnight oil long ago.....


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-Upstate NY division

    (Expect the UNexpected, WTBS!)

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