JR Brown's lies has caused 1,000's to doubt WTS

by Cappuccino OC 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Let's add up the number 23,0000+ victims alone
    Add at least ONE elder per victim (23,000 + 23,000= 46,000)

    ***23,000+ elders that our "WONDERING" why the society is LYING.
    (this number is a conservative estimate since some pedo's were DF by at least a 3 elder committee)

    Now multiply 23,000 by at least one parent, a family member, a sibling, and another JW from the hall-(that is 23,000 times 4 = 92,000)

    Add up the #'s
    23,000 (victims) plus
    23,000+ (elders) plus
    92,000 (other people informed)= GRAND TOTAL

    138,000 JW's THAT are DOUBTING the Trvth & are wondering WHY J.R. Brown LIed

    Alone in my family there are at least 10 Active & good standing JW'S that noticed the society LIED--

    This doesn't include about 50 JW's from 4 different congregations that were aware of what happened to my Lil' sister.

    And another 60 people (non-JW's family & friends) who found out about the abuse from my stepfather. In my sisters case that means that 120 + the 5 elders on the committee that is 125 affected.

    THERE IS doubts in many "thinking" minds of JW's & non-JW's. JR. Browns lie will cause more JW's To doubt. They will "reap what they are sowing."

  • crawdad2

    go get um, oveja!!!!

  • seven006

    I don't know about anyone else but I did the math and came up with the year 1914. Do you think it means anything?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    You did the math incorrect.. You had to..

    It shouldn't be 148,000 JW's..

    It should be 144,000 JW's.....

    All the ones that now realize that the organization lied have true hopes of entering heaven.. The promised 144,000 with a heavenly hope!!!!

  • cellomould

    Enjoyed this post especially, Callada!


    "My toes taste really good" J.R. Brown

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    These are just estimates of people doubting the WTS. I heard from my uncle, who is an elder, that he's having lots of trouble with his 5 bible studies because they saw Dateline. They are doubting.

  • obiwan

    They should doubt,with the way the WTS has preached about being different than everybody else,I've been DF'D for years and if I'm at
    all like my father(he is in good standings)then I would not be surprised to get a phone call from him in the future.

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