Let's add up the number 23,0000+ victims alone
Add at least ONE elder per victim (23,000 + 23,000= 46,000)
***23,000+ elders that our "WONDERING" why the society is LYING.
(this number is a conservative estimate since some pedo's were DF by at least a 3 elder committee)
Now multiply 23,000 by at least one parent, a family member, a sibling, and another JW from the hall-(that is 23,000 times 4 = 92,000)
Add up the #'s
23,000 (victims) plus
23,000+ (elders) plus
92,000 (other people informed)= GRAND TOTAL
138,000 JW's THAT are DOUBTING the Trvth & are wondering WHY J.R. Brown LIed
Alone in my family there are at least 10 Active & good standing JW'S that noticed the society LIED--
This doesn't include about 50 JW's from 4 different congregations that were aware of what happened to my Lil' sister.
And another 60 people (non-JW's family & friends) who found out about the abuse from my stepfather. In my sisters case that means that 120 + the 5 elders on the committee that is 125 affected.
THERE IS doubts in many "thinking" minds of JW's & non-JW's. JR. Browns lie will cause more JW's To doubt. They will "reap what they are sowing."