WT officially admits their system is NOT PERFECT

by Insider 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insider

    Follow the link to WT official admission.

    Second to last paragraph contains the admission.


  • crawdad2

    hi insider, that was a nice article!!!!!

    to bad it's just for appearances, isn't it?????
    the oral law is alot different, and very abusive.
    want to talk about the oral law?......the law that ~REALLY~ GOVERNS THE ELDERS?........you know, the law that is used during times of SPIRITUAL THEOCRATIC WARFARE....such as these days!
    ...i wonder if the judges in the jw molestation cases are going to want to know about the "ORAL LAW"?......and how it differs from the written policy.

    let's see now, part of it was stated to bill bowen by the legal dept, in the phone call he made.

    how was it put again?.........."if the molester says he didn't do it, just drop it, don't get yourself in a jam".........wasn't that what was said?

  • orangefatcat

    Please tell me how on earth is a sweet innocent child going to have two bloody witneses to the sexual abuse?????????????????????????????????????Where the hell is the WTBS head, in the bloody sand. I am sure the bastard brings a partner with him. GOD DAM IT I AM SO BLOODY MAD, I COULD SPIT WOODEN NICKELS
    I hope every silentlamb sues the Society and the elders and the abusers and the enablers and who ever else they can think of.
    Sorry about that but I just had to blow off some steam.

  • Bendrr

    (quote from the JWmedia site):
    >Suppose, for example, that a long time ago a 16-year-old boy had >sexual relations with a consenting 15-year-old girl. Depending upon >the U.S. jurisdiction where he lived when this happened, elders may >have been required to report this as an incident of child abuse. >Let us say that 20 years have passed. The child abuse reporting law >may have changed; the man may have even married the girl! Both have >been living exemplary lives and they are respected. In such a rare >case, the man could possibly be appointed to a responsible position >within the congregation.

    What absolute bullsh*t! Two teenagers a year apart in age is NOWHERE CLOSE TO THE ISSUE!!!!!! If you're going to use an example, try to stay closer to home. In this case that would be if the male was 36 and the girl was 15, or 5, or 12, you get my point?
    Hey WTS, I was born at night but it sure as hell wasn't last night!



  • Francois

    Those big kidders. How can your organization be the "only channel of communication that God is using" and at the same time be imperfect? HMMMMMmmmmmmmmm? I wants to know.

    How can you arrogate your rules and regs into each and every corner of your member's private, personal, and spiritual life absent the authority of a regent of God which would make you perfect insofar as spiritual issues are concerned.

    How can you judge whether someone is going to die in Armaggedon for taking blood, committing adultery, smoking, stealing, sexually abusing children, and littering if you don't speak for God and are therefore perfect in matters of faith.

    I could go on and on and on and on with this but you get the point. The more they open their mouths in self justification and excuse making the deeper they dig their holes. I suppose that when you assume your followers don't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot, you can get away with logical inconsistencies the size of the Rock of Gibralter.

    This is another reason why the GB and ALL their attorneys refuse to accept the challenge to debate little ol' me all by small lonesomeness. They know for a certainty that I would eat them alive and not even spit out the bones, the fucking cowards. And I'd say most of the folks on this board could do the same. FEAR, that's what motivates these ass-holes. If I knew for a certainty that I was God's spokesman, I'd take on both houses of Parliment and the US Supreme Court to boot.

    My two milligrams.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    The gong show ended when they ignored the first report of pedophilia, and how many decades was that?

    Guest 77

  • crawdad2

    francois,.....that was funny, a good point!
    they claim to be god's mouthpiece, yet they are afraid to debate!!!!!
    wait, these are modern times.....todays "god's mouthpiece" is different........ they need a lawyer present....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  • cornish

    So often they have compared themselves to the theocratic Nation of Ancient Israel,a Theocracy,and talked about the Spiritual Paradise,in which people can enyoy Paradise in a Spiritual sense.

    What! A spiritual paradise in which children cannot be garanteed protection,some paradise!

    Now they say its just another Man run religion trying to atempt to follow the Bible,
    in other words ,just another religion,with flaws,that claims to follow the Bible.

    On another note they used instances of articles they have published to show how anti abuse is a top priority.
    But the Watchtower has also written articles on False Prophecy and Freedom of Speech,which they have proved complete hypocrites too,along with many other subjects,so to use the fact that they have writen a few articles as proof of any moral high ground is a poor track record.

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